Distribucija: Sylbal Linux

Distribucija: Sylbal Linux

  • Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 1516
  • Gde živiš: # :(){ :|:& };:

PapugLinux is a minimal GNU/Linux live CD based on the Gentoo Linux distribution for x86 computer architecture.

The live CD allow you to run the operating system without installing anything on your hard drive.

The goal of PapugLinux is to provide a minimal but functional free operating system and to be runable on most computers, from 64MB old systems to the latest powerful configurations.


* 2.6 kernel
* ALSA sound driver
* X.Org X-Window server


* Fluxbox window manager
* Mozilla Firefox web browser
* AbiWord word processor
* Bluefish editor
* Graveman CDR/DVDR tool
* FR, PL, and US keyboard support


* Apache web server
* Cups print server
* ProFTP ftp server
* Ssh server

Download ::: http://www.sylbal.net/papugLinux/download/papuglinux-06.2.iso
Info ::: http://www.sylbal.net/papugLinux/papugOverview.html

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