Distribucija: Trisquel GNU/Linux

Distribucija: Trisquel GNU/Linux

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Trisquel GNU/Linux

Ruben Rodrigez je najavio izlazak Trisquel GNU/Linux verzije 4.5.
Trisquel GNU/Linux 4.5, kodnog imena "Slaine", je distribucija koja je iskljucivo "sagradjena" od slobodnog softvera bez non free softverskih resenja, a sve po uputima Free Software Foundation (FSF).
Ova Linuks distribucija je pomenuta u temi Pet najboljih Linux distribucija bez vlasničkog softvera.
Inace Trisquel GNU/Linux 4.5 je baziran na Linux Ubuntuu 10.10.
Dolazi sa Linuks jezgrom verzije 2.6.35, grafickim okruzenjem GNOME verzije 2.32, X.Org-om verzije 7.5, web brauzerom baziranom na Mozilla Firefoxu verzije 3.6.15 i OpenOffice-u verzije 3.2.



Video je prikaz starije verzije Trisquela 3.5.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Trisquel GNU/Linux 4.5.1

Ruben Rodrigrez je najavio dostupnost za preuzimanje Trisquel GNU/Linux 4.5.1.
Distribucija zasnovana na Linux Ubuntuu ali "sagrađena" isključivo od slobodnog softvera.

Citat:Rubén Rodríguez has announced the release of Trisquel GNU/Linux 4.5.1, an updated version of the Ubuntu-based distribution built exclusively from free software components: "We now publish an incremental update, including all the security and bug-fix upgrades applied to date, while also expanding the edition set with 'Mini' and 'Netinstall' flavours. Some of the improvements include better support for software RAID and 3G modems, fixed clients for online video streaming, support for Atheros USB 802.11N cards, and many other updates and security patches. The 'Mini' edition is an incremental update on the original 4.0 version, with most of the changes being bug fixes and cosmetic improvements. The 'Netinstall' image, which from now on will be released with every Trisquel version, allows for customized installation.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0

Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0 STS, kodnog imena "Dagda" je dostupna na Dan Software Freedom.
Kao što je rečeno, distro baziran na Ubuntuu ali u potpunosti odrstanjenim non-free softvreom tako da je u saglasju sa svim propisima Free Software Foundation-a.

Od grafičkih okruženja tu su GNOME i LXDE.
Od novina tu su Linux-libre jezgro 2.6.38, GNOME okruženje 2.6.32, LibreOffice 3.3.3, Abrowser 6.0.2 ...

Citat:Trisquel GNU/Linux Rubén Rodríguez has announced the release of Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0, an Ubuntu-based distribution carefully stripped of all non-free components in order to comply with Free Software Foundation's four software freedoms: "In what we can now call it a tradition, we celebrate the Software Freedom Day by publishing our latest release: Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.0 STS, code name 'Dagda'. Today we publish both the standard GNOME-based and the lightweight LXDE-based 'Mini' editions. Current Trisquel 4.5 users can upgrade using the update-manager application, without the need for re-installation. Advanced installations -- server, RAID/LVM, encrypted, etc -- can be done using the 'netinstall' images. The standard edition includes, among many others, the following packages: Linux-libre kernel 2.6.38, GNOME 2.6.32, LibreOffice 3.3.3, Abrowser (our unbranded Mozilla-based web browser) 6.0.2.

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  • dekao  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Dejan Trajković
  • Realist painter
  • Pridružio: 06 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 3599
  • Gde živiš: Somewhere in time

Kao što sam i pretpostavio, Gnome 2 će se zadržati dosta duže nakon izlaska Gnome 3 nego što je to bio slučaj sa KDE verzijama 3 i 4. Razlog je po mom mišljenju to što je Gnome 3 okruženje prvenstveno namenjeno za touch screen uređaje. Na klasičnom desktopu izgleda glomazno i nepotrebno nabudženo svakojakim džidža-bidžama koje zahtevaju od korisnika da klikće i šeta mišem po ekranu ko ma'nit. E sad, ako to još radite na ekranu od 20 i više inča jasno je da ćete posle par sati oterati sve u Honduras i vratiti se na funkcionalnije okruženje. Gnome 3 i Unity su po mom mišljenju bili pucanj u nogu i to zdravu. Lično, voleo bih da Gnome 2 grana nastavi da se razvija paralelno sa G3, a nikako da se napušta. Ko zna, možda tako Gnome tim i uvidi gde je grešio pa požuri sa izlaskom G4.

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Trisquel GNU/Linux 5.5

Citat:Trisquel 5.5 STS 'Brigantia' is finally here. This release is our first to be based on GNOME 3, GTK+ 3 and also Linux-libre 3.0. GNOME 3 was a big challenge, because as it is designed now, it is not usable for our community. The new default interface of GNOME 3 is GNOME Shell, a program that requires 3D acceleration to work, as it relies on graphics composition. Sadly, many graphics cards today still lack a libre driver providing acceleration, so many users who would choose free drivers will be redirected to a fallback desktop environment. This way many users could feel compelled to install non-free drivers to be able to use the new desktop, so we decided to use the fallback environment as default.

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  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0

Moja omiljena distribucija koja je u potpunosti oslobodjena vlasnickog softvera.
Trisquel 6.0 je baziran na Ubuntuu 12.04 LTS, sa tim da dolazi sa Gnome 3.4 grafickim okruezenjem.

Citat:This long-awaited release is based on Ubuntu 'Precise', and as usual it comes full of free software goodness. We continue to provide an easy-to-use classic desktop experience complete with full-featured browsing, office, communications and social networking utilities. New features: Linux-Libre 3.2, Abrowser 19, GNOME 3.4, LibreOffice 3.5. Our web browser without a name (Abrowser, a Firefox derivative that does not recommend non-free software) now comes with shiny new features, like full HTML 5 video support (webm, h264 and other formats) that allow to use sites like YouTube without a flash plugin. This version can also show PDF files without a plugin.

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Cim dodjem kuci ide na preuzimanje. Wink

  • Pridružio: 24 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 1638
  • Gde živiš: Novi Banovci

Trisquel GNU/Linux 7.0

Citat:Version 7 of the Trisquel GNU/Linux distribution, codenamed Belenos after a Celtic sun god, has been released. Belenos is a Long Term Support release that will be maintained until 2019. Relevant new packages and features include:

Kernel Linux-libre 3.13 with lowlatency and bfq scheduling by default.
Custom desktop based on GNOME 3.12 fallback.
Abrowser 33 (a free Firefox derivative) as default browser.
GNU IceCat 31 available as single-click optional install from Abrowser's homepage. Complete with many extra privacy features.
Electrum Bitcoin Wallet preinstalled.
Moved to DVD format, now with 50+ languages and extra applications.
Improved accessibility by default.

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  • Žan
  • Menadžment
  • Pridružio: 05 Mar 2016
  • Poruke: 18

Drago mi je da se Trisquel kao jedna od rijetkih slobodnih distribucija GNU operativnog sistema sa Linux jezgrom, spominje na ovom forumu. Trisquel je jedna od stvarno slobodnih distribucija koje fondacija za slobodni softver Free Software Foundation podr�ava

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