Last Exit - plejer za radio stanice (napr MC radio)

Last Exit - plejer za radio stanice (napr MC radio)

  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12533
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol

Last Exit

Citat:Last-Exit is a Gtk/C#/GStreamer based player for the LastFM radio station.

It has most of the useful features that the official player has including

* Stream support
* Station searching
* Tagging
* Journalling
* Access to subscriber features

It also has more powerful searches for stations including Neighbour's
personal stations, users stations and fan stations.

Further information and screenshots available at:


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Korisnici trenutno na forumu: 8u47, Asparagus, avijacija, Ben Roj, bobomicek, bokisha253, DeerHunter, djordjekec, galijot, Grond, Još malo pa deda, Koca Popovic, Lucije Kvint, mgolub, mnn2, Oscar2, pein, Povratak1912, rovac, royst33, sasa87, SlaKoj, solic, Srle993, trutcina, Vlada78, YU-UKI, zdrebac, zlatkoa987, šumar bk2