Javlja mi se problem pri istalaciji..
[root@localhost ndiswrapper-1.5]# make
make -C driver
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/ndiswrapper-1.5/driver'
Can't find kernel sources in /lib/modules/;
give the path to kernel sources with KSRC=<path> argument to make
make[1]: *** [prereq_check] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/ndiswrapper-1.5/driver'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[root@localhost ndiswrapper-1.5]#
A na sajtu pise da treba u mdk da neke module pomerim,ili nemam pojma...nisam uspeo da shvatim,pa molim za pomoc..
Evo sta pise tamo:
[quote]Mandrake 10.1 has built in the ACX100 Sourceforge Project Driver as a kernel module, you will need to remove this before install the ndiswrapper
To get out ACX100/111-Support, you can do "find /lib/modules/ -name acx*" or look in /lib/modules/ then you have the list of this module components, move them for example in ( /usr/src/backup/ ) to keep a copy, for the end do "depmod -a" Additionally you will have to remove NDISwrapper support from the Kernel (version 0.8, really old) for newer ndiswrapper versions to work. It should be located somewhere like this: /lib/modules/ Move it to a backup directory as explained above, and finally enter "depmod -a". All of the above has to be done as ROOT.Citat: