Izbor najboljeg Linuks sistema datoteka za vaš PC

Izbor najboljeg Linuks sistema datoteka za vaš PC

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Izbor najboljeg Linuks sistema datoteka za vaš PC (eng.)
Autor: Joshua Price
Izvor: MakeTechEasier.com
Licenca: © 2007-2010 Make Tech Easier All Right Reserved.

Ovaj članak se bavi izborom sistema datoteka (file system) za vašu Linuks instalaciju. Obrađeno je nekoliko sistema datoteka: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, Reiser3, Reiser4, XFS i Btrfs. Pomenute su osnovne osobine svakog od njih i istaknuta preporučena upotreba.

Citat:If you’re a Linux user, you’ve likely been asked at some point if you want Ext3, Ext4, XFS, ReiserFS, Btrfs, or one of many other filesystem acronyms. This choice confuses new and old users alike, and like all software, the options change as technology improves. Many people probably don’t care what filesystem they use as long as it’s stable and reasonably fast, but how do you know which one that is? This guide will attempt to cover the basic differences between the most common options, and provide the pros and cons of each choice.


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