Bocke, nije instaliram. Preko syneptic-a sam ga instalirao a on mi je prilikom klika na apply javio da u tom slucaju mora da izbrise powernowd koji je instaliran i trebao bi da obavlja istu funkciju kao i cpufreq. S toga sam odustao u tom momentu da bolje pogledam taj program. Medjutim kada sam powernowd pozvao kao root iz terminala on mi je javio gresku ... pa sam ipak nastavio sa instalacijom cpufrq-a i kada sam pokusao njega da pozovem iz terminala kao root jednostavno se a ma bas nista nije desavalo. Malo sam se patio s tim, pa sam ga unninstalirao i opet instalirao powernowd u nadi da ce da proradi .. medjutim uporno mi javlja istu gresku:
root@stamenko-laptop:/home/stamenko# powernowd
powernowd: PowerNow Daemon v0.97, (c) 2003-2006 John Clemens
powernowd: Found 1 scalable unit: -- 1 'CPU' per scalable unit
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq: No such file or directory
PowerNowd encountered and error and could not start.
Please make sure that:
- You are running a v2.6.7 kernel or later
- That you have sysfs mounted /sys
- That you have the core cpufreq and cpufreq-userspace
modules loaded into your kernel
- That you have the cpufreq driver for your cpu loaded,
(for example: powernow-k7), and that it works. Check
'dmesg' for errors.
If all of the above are true, and you still have problems,
please email the author:
probao sam da kucam dmesg ... ispise mi svasta sto ja ne razumem a preobinmo je da kopiram ovde ... U opisu te aplikacije u synaptecu stoji sledece:
control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface
This simple client controls CPU speed and voltage using the sysfs interface
to the CPUFreq driver in v2.6 Linux kernels. It does not depend on APM or
ACPI, and it doesn't try to do anything other than control the CPU.
The name is somewhat misleading, as any CPUfreq capable processor will work,
not just those from AMD. However, it works better on CPUs that support more
than two speed steps, like those with AMD's PowerNow! or Intel's Pentium M
This daemon is less complicated than cpufreqd or cpudyn, at the cost of
absolutely depending on a 2.6 kernel with the userspace governor and sysfs
support enabled.
Ja ne znam dovoljno da bih povezao ovo sto pise u opisu programa i u error izvestaju. mozda vi mozete naslutiti gde je greska.