With the KNOPPIX-terminalserver (available from version 3.2 and later), KNOPPIX can also be booted over the network from a computer already running the CD.*
What is PXE boot?
PXE boot is an acronym for Preboot Execution Environment boot. PXE is a technology that is used to boot a PC remotely through a network. PXE is supported by the system BIOS and the network interface card need to be PXE compliant.
What to do if your NIC is not PXE compliant?
You have to put ether boot images or burn a cd using the images.ROM-o-matic.net dynamically generates Etherboot ROM images. http://rom-o-matic.net/
Kao sto sam rekao ranije-nemam bas puno vremena za experimentisanje sa Knoppix-om jer sam prezauzet poslom, na poslu koristimo WINDOWS 2000 a u igraonici XP, nabavio sam Live Knoppix i negde procitao da je izvodljivo, posto ti koristis Linux mozda ce ti ovo biti od neke pomoci da 'ukapiras' kako se to radi (posto sam nov sa Linuxom).
Evo i link pa vidi dal je od pomoci.
Dopuna: 09 Avg 2005 12:31
Pronasao sam jos nesto zanimljivo:
here is my suggestion (for Knoppix 3.8, have no experience with 3.6):
1. Boot server from live CD
2. Run netcardconfig script from Knoppix menu, assign static IP address to eth0, leave entries for "Gateway" and "Nameserver" blank
3. Run terminal server script from Knoppix menu, confirm default values, but allow root access on client (for troubleshooting, if needed)
4. Open root console, add user "diskless01" and assign Unix password
5. Run start ssh server script from Knoppix menu
6. Boot diskless client and select network boot (PXE) in BIOS settings
7. On client, when Knoppix has finished booting, click on home symbol in taskbar and type "fish://"
8. Log in as user diskless01 using Unix password => you should now have access to home directory on server
This is a very simple setup, using only tools that ship with Knoppix.
Dopuna: 09 Avg 2005 12:34
"fish" is a graphical front end for ssh, available in KDE 3.4. By typing "fish://IP_of_my_server" in Konqueror, you can browse, copy and modify files on the server. It's a simple and convenient way to allow filesharing on a Linux network, very appealing to a (former) Windows user like me.