Napisano: 12 Dec 2011 8:41
u recovery modu imam sledece opcije:
resume resume normal boot
clean try to make free space
dpkg repair broken packages
failsafeX run in failsafe graphic mode
grub update grub bootloader
netroot drop to root shel prompt with net.
root drop to root shel
Prvi put kad mi se sve desilo isao sam na resume i dpkg, oba puta mi je uradio update ali ista prica posle toga. Sad sam isao na failsafeX, dobio jos pet opcija. Probao prvu: run ubuntu in low-graphics modefor just one session ali i dalje isti problem.Desk je crn i samo pokrecem kursor. Druga opcija je Reconfigure Graphics. Upotrebio sam default( generic) configuration ali opet isto se desava. Sledece opcije su: troubleshoot the error, Exit to console again i restart X. Troubleshoot the error mi daje sledece: review the Xserver log file, Review the startup errors, edit configuration file i archive configuration and logs. Pod review the startup errors dobijam log:
fatal server error:
server is already active for display 0
if this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again
please consult the The X. Org Foundation support at [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] for help
(WW)xf86CLOSECONSOLE:KDSETMODE failed:Bad file descripter
(WW)xf86CLOSECONSOLE:VT_GETMODE failed: Bad file descripter
(WW)xf86CLOSECONSOLE:VT_GETSTATE failed: Bad file descripter
ddxsigGiveUp: closing log
Dopuna: 14 Dec 2011 23:27
uspeo sam!
Uz pomoc instalacionog diska pokrenuo sam ponovo instalaciju minta ali tokom nje nisam isao na formatiranje vec postojece particije, tako da me je po zavrsetku docekao poznat izgled desktopa. Nisam imao samo one programe koje sam naknadno ubacivao, ali nije problem.
a jes' mi bilo krivo kad sam zeznuo...