BAD - Free

BAD - Free

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

"If I do what I wanted
Just don't have the time
I wanna ride my motorcycle
Into the sunshine
My TV's laughin'
We could only feel small
Now come silent into this cell
All I can see is these walls
And I never wanna see another shopping mall

Oh, free
To be what I will
Oh, free
I'll keep it up till
I'm free
But I won't have nothing at all

This is my life
Believin' in it I will pay
But why should I care about all that today
I need a head start
And I don't wanna stall
Gonna take a bulldozer to break down the walls
And I never wanna see another shopping mall

Oh, free
To be what I will
Oh, free
I'll keep it up till
I'm free
But I won't have nothing at all

Oh, free
To be what I will
Oh, free
I'll keep it up till
I'm free
But I won't have nothing at all

Oh, free
To be what I will
Oh, free
I'll keep it up till
I'm free
But I won't have nothing at all"

Big Audio Dynamite,
"Flashback" (1990) OST

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