Be still my beating heart-POLICE

Be still my beating heart-POLICE

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908


Be still my beating heart
It would be better to be cool
It's not time to be open just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget
Be still my beating heart
Or i'll be taken for a fool
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book i know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so

I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart

Restore my broken dreams
Shattered like a falling glass
I'm not ready to be broken just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget

Be still my beating heart
You must learn to stand your ground
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book i know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart

Never to be wrong
Never to make promises that break
It's like singing in the wind
Or writing on the surface of a lake
And i wriggle like a fish caught on dry land
And i struggle to avoid any help at hand

I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 3686
  • Gde živiš: The Circle


Be still my beating heart
It would be better to be cool
It's not time to be open just yet
A lesson once learned is so hard to forget

Be still my beating heart
Or i'll be taken for a fool

Bebee Dol

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908


Sad ce jos da ispadne da sam i ja prsla...Ma ja sam prsla odavno ali sam se kao fenix i podigla iz pepela,ovo je cisto da me opomene ponekad,kad kriziram...

Idem totalno u offtopic ali moram da kazem i ovo:KOGA NEMA,BEZ NJEGA SE MOZE!!!!

So,back on topic,with this ...


Upon a secret journey
I met a holy man
His blindness was his wisdom
I'm such a lonely man

And as the world was turning
It rolled itself in pain
This does not seem to touch you
He pointed to the rain

You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find the love you miss

And on the days that followed
I listened to his words
I strained to understand him
I chased his thoughts like birds

You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find the love you miss

You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
You will see joy in this sadness
You will find this love you miss

And when you've made your secret journey
You will be a holy man Razz

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