Dead Boy's Poem ... Higher Than Hope

Dead Boy's Poem ... Higher Than Hope

  • Pridružio: 22 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 1978
  • Gde živiš: na preseku Vremena i Vechnosti

Dead Boy's Poem

"I live no more to shame nor me nor you"

Born from silence, silence full of it
A perfect concert my best friend
So much to live for, so much to die for
If only my heart had a home

Sing what you can't say
Forget what you can't play
Hasten to drown into beautiful eyes
Walk within my poetry, this dying music
- My loveletter to nobody

Never sigh for better world
It's already composed, played and told
Every thought the music I write
Everything a wish for the night

Wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin
Died for the beauty the one in the garden
Created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom
Failed in becoming a god

Never sigh for better world
It's already composed, played and told
Every thought the music I write
Everything a wish for the night

"If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmaker's cry, the one without tears
For I've given this its strength and it has become my only strength.
Comforting home, mother's lap, chance for immortality
Where being wanted became a thrill I never knew
The sweet piano writing down my life"

"Teach me passion for I fear it's gone
Show me love, hold the lorn
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me
I'm sorry
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you

And you... I wish I didn't feel for you anymore..."

A lonely soul... An ocean soul...
A lonely soul... An ocean soul...

"So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me..."

"Time will tell..."

A lonely soul... An ocean soul...
A lonely soul... An ocean soul...

Dopuna: 14 Jun 2005 0:20

Higher Than Hope

Time it took the most of me
And left me with no key
To unlock the chest of remedy
Mother, the pain ain't hurting me
But the love that I feel
When you hold me near

The hopes were high
The choirs were vast
Now my dreams are left to live through you

Red Sun rising
Drown without inhaling
Within, the dark holds hard
Red Sun rising
Curtain falling
Higher than hope my cure lies

An angel by my side
But no Christ to end this war
To deliver my soul from the sword
Hope has shown me a scenery
Paradise poetry
With first snow I'll be gone

The hopes were high...

Red Sun rising...

Your death saved me

Red Sun rising...


"Once I knew all the tales
It's time to turn back time
Follow the pale moonlight
Once I wished for this night
Faith brought me here
It's time to cut the rope and fly..."

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