Electric Light Orchestra

Electric Light Orchestra

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908

Sweet is the night

When the day is done and there's nowhere to run
And the people of the city have all lost and won
In your city dress you stand and stare
And you smoke another cigarette and comb your hair
And the light that shines
Paints a trace of sadness
On the street i wait
But i can't seem to get to you.

Well, you start to sway, check your cartier
'cos it's getting late, you can't afford to wait
So you move along where it's going on
And the people of the night are playing 'till the dawn
And the sun that shines
Paints a trace of sadness
In your eyes that cry
Wishing and hoping

Sweet, sweet is the night
Now you are near
Dark, dark were the days
They disappear
Sweet, sweet is the night
Now you are near.

Well you did your thing and you lost your wings
And you hurt so bad you lost everything
And the tears that fall on the city wall
Will fade away with the rays of morning light that shines
Paints a smile across your pretty face
I know
Everything is alright


Starlight, i hear you callin' out to me.
Sweet love rollin' across my mind again.
I want you, yes, i do, i need you, yes, i do.
And then you run.

You gotta stop foolin' around,
Keep your feet on the ground, little girl,
And starlight will shine all around, little girl.

Starlight, your eyes are lookin' out so far away.
Constellation in the sky is smiling down on me, i wonder, wonder why.
I can feel you're so real, i can see you're so near
And the you run.

You gotta stop foolin' around,
Keep your feet on the ground, little girl,
And starlight will shine all around, little girl.
You had me all the summer long, little girl.

Moonglow, come light the way up to my window.
As you roll across the night don't tell noby that i told you so.
I want you, yes, i do, i need you, yes, i do.
And then you run.

You gotta stop foolin' around,
Keep your feet on the ground, little girl,
And starlight will shine all around, little girl.
You had me all the summer long, little girl.

Starlight, your eyes are lookin' down on me so far away.

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