Fine Young Cannibals- She drives me crazy

Fine Young Cannibals- She drives me crazy

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908

She drives me crazy

I can't stop the way I feel
Things you do don't seem real

Tell me what you've got in mind
'Cause we're runnin' out of time
Won't you ever set me free
This waiting round is killing me

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
I can't help myself

I can't get any rest
People say I'm obsessed
Everything you say is lies
But to me there's no surprise
What I had for you was true
Things go wrong, they always do

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
I can't help myself

I won't make it on my own
No one likes to be alone

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
I can't help myself

Uh huh huh

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
I can't help myself

Uh huh huh

She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I can't help myself

Goot Thing

The one good thing in my life
Has gone away I don't know why
She's gone away I don't know where
Somewhere I can't follow her

The one good thing didn't stay too long
My back was turned and she was gone

Good thing where have you gone
Good thing you've been gone too long
Hey hey hey woo hoo hoo

People say I should forget
There's plenty more don't get upset
People say she's doin' fine
Mutual friends I see sometime

That's not what I want to hear
I want to hear she wants me near

Good thing where have you gone
Good thing you've been gone too long
Hey hey hey woo hoo hoo

Then one day she came back
I was so happy that I didn't ask
Morning came into my room
Caught me dreaming like a fool

Good thing where have you gone
Good thing you've been gone too long
Hey hey hey woo hoo hoo

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