Hammerfall - The Fallen One

Hammerfall - The Fallen One

  • Pridružio: 14 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 367

Ovo sam jednog tuznog dana pevao i pakao Sad

Hammerfall - The Fallen One

I saw your face in the morning sun
oh, I thought you were there
I heard your voice as the wind passed me by
silently, whispering my name
So many things that I wanted to say
forever left untold
I still remember the tears that you shed
over someone else
Our love could never die
all I can do is cry
save a little prayer for the fallen one
There is a light down at memory lane
slowly fading away
Still holding on to the dreams torn apart
I will follow my heart
Our love could never die
all I can do is cry
save a little prayer for the fallen one
Still on my own, chasing the sun
of a time long ago
The shade in my heart, tearing apart
everything that I long for
I saw your face in the morning sun
oh, I thought you were there
I heard your voice as the wind passed me by
whispering my name
Our love could never die
all I can do is cry
save a little prayer for the fallen one

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