Judas Priest - United

Judas Priest - United

  • MiB  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2547
  • Gde živiš: Nis, Srbija


Look around.
They're moving in.
Hold your ground,
When they begin.

We can do it,
We can do it, and if they wanna, they can try
But they'll never get near
Then they can get out of here!

Gonna keep on driving, never stop!

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

So keep it up,
Don't give in!
Make a stand:
We're gonna win!

We can do it,
We can do it, and if they wanna, they can try
But they'll never get near
Then they can get out of here!

Gonna keep on driving, never stop!

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

So keep it up!

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

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