Killer- Seal and Tinley

Killer- Seal and Tinley

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908


(Tinley/Seal) 1991

Brother... Brother... (L)
Sister... Sister... (L)

It's the loneliness thats the killer

So you want,
To be free.
To live your life,
The way you want to be.
Will you give,
If we cry?
Will we live,
Or will we.. die?

Jaded hearts

Heal with time

.....oh whoah whoah whoah....
Shoot that love

So we can
Stop the bleeding

Solitary brother...
Is there still a part of you that wants to live?

Solitary sister...
Is there still a part of you that wants to give?

Solitary brother...
Is there still a part of you that wants to live?

Solitary sister...
Is there still a part of you that wants to give?

If we try
And live our lives
The way we want Yeah..

Oh... love love
Oh... love love
Oh... love love

Brother... brother...
Sister... sister....
Brother... brother... brother...

There's no other love... There's no other love... There's no other love...
There is no other love no other love like ours...
There's no other love... There's no other love... There's no other love...
There is no other love no other love like ours...
There's no other love... There's no other love... There's no other love...
There's no other love... There's no other love... There's no other love...
There is no love

Solitary brother...
Is there still a part of you that wants to live?

Solitary sister...
Is there still a part of you that wants to give?

Solitary Brother... brother... brother...
brother... brother...

Solitary Sister...
Is there still a part of you that wants to give?

Racism in among future kings can only lead to no good.
Besides, all our sons and daughters already know how that feels.
Yeah yeah yeah...
Love love love...

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