

  • Pridružio: 12 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1847
  • Gde živiš: Apatin

Tricycles Of Steel

It's made up of steel, but it's not a motorcycle
It's made up of wheels, but it's not a motorcycle
It's made up of kings, but it's not a motorcycle
It's made of True Metal, it is a fucking tricycle!!

Kings metal power true steel Oh yeah!
Nanowar'll always be there!

Tricycles of steel! Trycicles of steel!
Pollution is low, no fuel to go
We ride the the tricycles of steel!

Din din, the bell rings, our tricycles are for kings
(They run just like they had unicorn wings)
Din din, the bell plays, our ticycles are for gays
(Because there's no saddle where our ass lays)

True Metal Of The World

Brothers of the power, true metal of the kings
Ride the king of metal, true power of the brothers
We're the power of the steel, to fight for the battle
The battle of the power, of the steel of the fight!!!

Kings of southern coasts of the true metal of the world
Power's still with us, we'll never fall!!

True metal of the world! ah-ah
True metal of the world!

Hell is bursting out for the holy wings of steel
Steel of hell is holy and we like ham very much
But ham and steel is better, for lunch and for sinner
Battle for the power of the kings of the dinner!

Brothers of true metal howling, fighting in the crowd
Kill for the true metal screaming loud!

[Sample of a fictional radio speaker who supposedly likes to air Nanowar songs:]

"True Metal of the World! Loro sono i Nanowar che ci inondano con vibrazioni metal belle assai!"
"Sono sempre io, D-James-Bond, state ascoltando Radio-Grafia sulla frequenza della polizia!"
"Oggi ho deciso di scassarvi un po' le orecchie, con i nostri fantasmagorici Nanowar!
"Altro che Fiorella Mannoia!"
"Ma che dico M'annoia! Mi ha rotto proprio il cazzo!"
"...e ricordiamo che la masturbazione  una attivit^ narcisistica e di autocompiacimento..."
"...chiaro il concetto?
"...tenetevelo stretto!"

[English translation:]

["True Metal of the World", by Nanowar, pretty cool metal vibes!
Hellohellohello there!
It's me, again, DJ-ames Bond, you are listening to Radio Graphy, on the Police radio frequency!
Today I feel like crushing your ears with the mighty Nanowar!
...much better than Fiorella Mannoia!
Fiorella Mannoia is an italian pop singer, whose name sounds pretty much like "M'Annoia", which means "It's Boring", so her name could be translated with "Fiorella Boring"
Did I say 'Boring'? No, she's not just boring, she really is a pain in my ass!
Oh, by the way don't forget that masturbation is a narcisistic and self-indulgent activity...
Got it?
Hold it tight!]


Walking on the hill, with the crown of steel
Going to McDonald's to eat an happy meal

To eat an happy meal, to eat an happy meal
He's going to mac donald to eat an happy meal

He's the king,
King of the hill, of the happy meal
He's the king

Walking on the land, with the sword in hand
He gave the queen a lot of fun
(I think you understand)

I think you understand, I think you understand
He's given me a lot of fun I think you... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
Of the queen of the (understand)
He's the king

Singing to the wind, the tale of the king
Of Luca Turilli all the elves and other epic things
Luca Turilli's bad, Luca Turilli's mad
But we don't want with singing this to make Turilli sad

He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
Of the queen of the (understand)
Of the wind of the epic things
He's the king

The story comes to an end, but don't worry my friend
Just push the "rewind" button, to listen it again
One more thing we must say, before you go away
We must warn you: Potowotominmak is gay

He's the king
King of the hill of the happy meal
Of the queen of the (understand)
Of the wind of the epic thigs
Of the say of the away of the rewind button

Gioca Tru

[This song is a spoof on the well-known Jou-a-Jouer (which sounds very much like Gioca True), which basically was some kind of game aired on Italian radio in the late 80's in which Jocelyn, the speaker, mentioned some actions or items, and the listeners (obviously they should be at least two in the same room) had to do/retrieve it. I know, kinda idiot.]

"Benissimo! Allora invitamo tutti i nostri amici ascoltatori al nuovo gioco estivo! il gioca true!
[Good! So, we now invite all of our listeners to play our new summer game! The Gioca True]

"Siete pronti a giocare al gioca true? [Are you ready to play?]
"No?" [No?]
"Allora cominciamo!" [Well, let's start off!]
"Fate quello che vi dico io!" [Just do what I say!]
"Le regole le conoscete..." [You know the rules...]
"...e se non le conoscete..." [...and if you don't know them...]
"...cazzi vostri!" [...well, you're in deep shit!]

Bere birra! [To drink Beer]
Rob Halford
Sputare [To spit off]
Pogare [Moshpit!]
Scapocciare [Headbanging!]
Andare in moto [To ride a motorbike!]
Cantare le canzoni dei Manowar: HAIL, HAIL, HAIL & KILL!! [To sing Manowar's songs!]

Heavy, Metal!! Heavy Metal gays!!

Better pizza than happy meal,
It's better pizza than happy meal
Healthy food is made of steel
Better pizza than happy meal!!

Nanowar, Nanowar living on the road
When we're in town posers explode
We only attract whimps, 'cause we're too dumb
Just two retard people, that's Nanowar's crowd

Queens of metal, we're here to make you laugh
And if you don't, we're gonna kick you ass
Keep on burping, we always will
Other bands play!!
Nanowar Gay!!

"'spetta, spetta, pure io voglio canta' sta canzuncella, dai... fammela fa'..."
[Wait... I want to sing, too! Please!]

[Speaker:] Oh, no...
[P:] "Dai..." [Please, come on...]
[S:] "Non possiamo... siamo in onda.." [We can not... we're on air...]
[P:] "No, guarda, me la fai fa', o chiamo mio cuggino e ti spa'..." [No, wait, let me sing this song, or I'll get my cousin to shoot you...]
[S:] "No.. aspetta." [No... wait... please...]
[P:] "Ggiuro, te faccio spara'..." [I'll get him to shoot you...]
[S:] "Va bene, solo un pezzetto..." [Well.. ok, but only a little bit]
"Paesa, cumpaesa!" [Neapolitans... Fellow neapolitans...]
"Tutti quanti" [Everybody...]
"Stateme appresso!" [Sing along with me...]
"Pronti?" [Ready?]

Rubare! [To steal!]
Sparare! [To shoot!]
Taroccare! [To sell pirate CDs!]
Cerchioni della macchina! [Car wheels!]
Caffé! [Coffee!]
Tazzulella 'e' caffé! [A cup of coffee!]
U'bab^! [Bab^!]
A'pizza! [Pizza!]
A'pastiera napoletana! [Pastiera!]

"Poi c' moto senza casco..." [Then... oh, motorbike riding without helmet...]
"...discariche 'abbusive..." [Illegal waste dumping!]
"...poi..." [Then...]
"...che tenimmo..." [...what else?...]
"...o Vesuvio!" [The Vesuvio!]

The Number Of The Bitch

Forgive me, oh mum and dad
For the telecom sent the bill with wrath,
But I believed that the call was short
Let him who hasn't a girlfriend
Go and call the number of the bitch
Even if it is an expensive number, this number is 166 166 166

I was alone, I took the phone,
I needed time to think the number I saw on tv
Who did I hear! can I believe
A pack of horny lesbians howling back at me
I've always thought, I've always dreamed
Of magic whores to come and perform sodomy
'Cos in my dreams, it's always there
One dirty slut who takes my dick orgasming to despair

Night was black and I wanted to fuck
I've passed all night to see, Rocco's films on tv
In Netherlands the whores are close at hand
But in Italy, they're pretty hard to see

166 the number of the bitch
Hot chat line is going on tonight

You can go on, 'till the end of the road
You just have to be aware, shemales who hide out there
In the night, cars' lights are flashing bright
Bitch-hunting has begun, sexual work is done!

166 the numer of the bitch
30 euro the price for you and me

Pigs and gays, and everyone who says
" I am too arrapate, to stop to masturbate"
Take the phone, order some whores at home
They come to... make it rise and melt it down like ice

166 the number of the bitch
144 the number of the whore

To a sexy shop, I will return
And I will get more videos and hotter stuff of za-odrasle-
I have the programs on pay TV
I have the hands to make libido take its course


Dopuna: 05 Okt 2006 13:13


In the forest of metal wow, of the warrior of the sword
World of the warrior

The forest of steel, of the steel, steel, steel, metal, iron, and all the heavy minerals,
In the forest of the minerals of metal we go to see the source of all metal
and to be more metal than you
we are more metal because we know where's the iron in the forest and the iron in the woods

We have the true heavy of the true metal of the steel of the warriors
and all of the warriors of the true heavy metal, of the true metal
and only we have the true heavy metal of the true heavy metal of the warriors of steel
of the war of steel of sword


We are more true than true, forged by the gods of metal
to fight the battle ,against poser synth-pop-metal

our Metal is so strong 'cos ourdick is so long
our Metal is so strong 'cos ourdick is so long

but your dick is short ,summon the defenders of the true
with their mighty viagra-storm ,so your dick will be long
and metal will be more strong!

Now we are together, an army of meat spikes
we march to the next battle
with more power than the fart of a mammoth
but goddam we get some more viagra ,to power our long dicks/ but the blood is running out
so the dick is now short

our girls are gone with some gothic gay guy
his gay synth songs took away them all
now we are all gay but halford is with us
so we are still true!

our Metal is so strong 'cos our dick is so long
our Metal is so strong 'cos our dick is so long


I hate the big mac which tastes like rat / the double cheese burger which made me much fat / now i'm in the cesso to expell all this shit / la cacarell m'ha fritt le budell / che cazzo me so magnato?

In the toasts of macdonald the meat was pure shit / no more meat of shit / and beaf steaks for all!

I've made a green shit ,my poor lonley ass / now looks like bin laden and smells like his cat / now inside the cesso I vomit myself / fuck you big mac , fuck you bin laden, i scorregg on you!!

For the food, for the cook , for the kitchen , for the apples with the worm inside / for the hunger the thirst , to eat the black pork / i will search for the emerald fork!

Only a black pork with ketchup inside / i don't want a pink pork with hairs on his ass / Yes, i am a racist with porks and big mac / i eat the pork , bin laden can't beacuse he's a muslim


Born in Napoli / live in misery / thanks for living to camorra!
I live in a vulcano / i am napoletano / it's a life without a reason
State in serie B / siete il napoli / state anche a falli'/ andate in serie C

You don't pay the taxes ! / You Must Pay the taxes
If you don't like the Pizza ! / I will kill you !

Master! Iamme! Master of pizza iamme cumpà / c'a pummarola e nù babà / Master of pizza iamme cumpà / Torna a Surriento bell'e mammà
Master ! Iamme! Torna a Surriento bell'e mammà

Iamme! Iamme ! Vesuvio wash them with the fire / Iamme! Iamme! Iamme Marescià (x2)


casually i had three tons of beans in the kitchen
and i ate them all without thinking of the terrible consequences
i could not avoid the meltdown of my ass
some greeny-brownish dense gases spread all around

our asses are bleeding steel
some gases will burn and kill
our asses do not resist
the gases spread like a mist

after a week appeared a rainbow of arbre magique
in the clouds of green shit that brought happiness and metal-joy

our asses are bleeding steel
some gases will burn and kill
our asses do not resist
the gases spread like a mist

fell the smell, metal fart, taste the smell, metal fart

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