Night calls

Night calls

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 671


The night gang started working
With a mile of southhern road
As I watched
I go to thinking
You ain't never coming home
I looked out of nowhere
There was nobody at all
To get me help
To get through to you
I'm here making night calls

Night calls
Making night calls
Night calls
Making night calls

I tried too heard to reach you
But you must be moving fast
All me hopes about the future
Will just live on, into the past
You know that it ain't easy
And the twilight starts to fade
Sittin here
In the chill of the morning
Thinking of the plans we made

Oh, night calls
Making night calls
The night calls
Making night calls
Oh, night calls
Give up those night calls

Joe Cocker

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