Out in the fields - Gary Moore

Out in the fields - Gary Moore

  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 3686
  • Gde živiš: The Circle

Citat:It doesn't matter
If you're wrong or if you're right
It makes no difference
If you're black or if you're white

All men are equal
Till the victory is won
No colour or religion
Ever stopped the bullet from a gun

Out in the fields
The fighting has begun
Out on the streets
They're falling one by one
Out from the skies
A thousand more will die each day
Death is just a heartbeat away

It doesn't matter
If you're left or to the right
Don't try to hide behind the cause
They want to fight

There'll be no prisoners taken
When the day is done
No flag, no uniform
Ever stopped the bullet from a gun

Out in the fields
The fighting has begun
Out on the streets
They're falling one by one
Out from the skies
A thousand more will die each day
Death is just a heartbeat away

There's no communication
No one to take the blame
The cries of every nation
They're falling on deaf ears again

Out in the fields
Out in the fields
They're falling one by one
Out in the fields
No flag has ever stopped
The bullet from a gun

Death is just a heartbeat away
Out in the fields
A heartbeat away
Out in the fields
Death is just a heartbeat away
Out in the fields
A heartbeat away
Out in the fields

In the fields
The fighting has begun
Out on the streets
They're falling one by one
Out from the skies
A thousand more will die each day



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