Robert Cray

Robert Cray

  • Srđan Jovanović
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 1461
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Time makes two

Time makes two love,
Makes them more than friends.
Time makes true love,
More than just pretend.

Makes you count the nights,
and the moments we're apart.

Time will heal your troubles,
when you got the blues. Sad
Heal the burnin' heartache,
but your right back in the groove.

But time will take it's toll on you,
if you don't play it smart...

Because time it makes to,
it takes two to heal a broken heart. Sad

[pa onda deo kada posle solaze gitara ide na reciklazu]

Time makes two love,
Feel eachother's pain.
and I'm so proud of you love.
So proud to be your man.

Time makes two.
Oh, time makes two.
Time makes two.
Yah know, time makes two, it takes two
to heal a broken heart.


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