Russ Castella (feat. Elissa)- Truth

Russ Castella (feat. Elissa)- Truth

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2908


Russ Castella (feat. Elissa)

I remember making love to you
For the first time
You said you never leave now look at you
You change your mind
But now you’re gone I don’t know what to do
I’m so lonely
And for the last time let me say to you

What do I have to do,
To make you see that I’m the truth?
Now don’t you walk away,
This life was meant for me and you

I remember falling down to you
When you said bye
I thought I held your heart now look at you
You made me cry
It’s been so long, will you come back to me?
Without your games
But tell me will it ever be the same?

What do I have to do?
To make you see that I’m the truth
Now don’t you walk away
This life was meant for me and you

All and all, it’s in my mind
Thought you’d be here all the time
Fact or fiction, don’t be blind
You know I'm the truth

What do I have to do?
To make you see that I’m the truth
Now don’t you walk away
This life was meant for me and you

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