SADE - Soldier of love

SADE - Soldier of love

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2007
  • Poruke: 62

Napisano: 02 Mar 2010 15:18

I've lost the use of my heart
But I'm still alive
Still looking for the life
The endless pool on the other side
It's a wild wild west
I'm doing my best

I'm at the borderline of my faith,
I'm at the hinterland of my devotion
In the frontline of this battle of mine
But I'm still alive

I'm a soldier of love.
Every day and night
I'm soldier of love
All the days of my life

I've been torn up inside (oh!)
I've been left behind (oh!)
So I ride
I have the will to survive

In the wild wild west,
Trying my hardest
Doing my best
To stay alive

I am love's soldier!

I wait for the sound
(oooh oohhh)

I know that love will come
Turn it all around

I'm a soldier of love Every day and night
I'm a soldier of love
All the days of my life

I am lost
but I don't doubt (oh!)
So I ride
I have the will to survive

In the wild wild west,
Trying my hardest
Doing my best
To stay alive

I am love's soldier!

I wait for the sound

I know that love will come
I know that love will come
Turn it all around

I'm a soldier of love
I'm a soldier

Still waiting for love to come
Turn it all around

Still waiting for love to come

Dopuna: 02 Mar 2010 15:31


I'm crying everyone's tears
And there inside our private war
I died the night before
And all of these remnants of joy and disaster
What am I suppose to do

I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul
But nothing would change, nothing would change at all
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good

The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder if this grief will ever let me go
I feel like I am the king of sorrow, yeah
The king of sorrow

I suppose I could just walk away
Will I disappoint my future if I stay
It's just a day that brings it all about
Just another day and nothing's any good

The DJ's playing the same song
I have so much to do
I have to carry on
I wonder will this grief ever be gone
Will it ever go
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
The king of sorrow

I'm crying everyone's tears
I have already paid for all my future sins
There's nothing anyone
Can say to take this away
It's just another day and nothing's any good

I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow
I'm the king of sorrow, yeah
King of sorrow


This may come
this may come as some surprise
but I miss you.
I could see through all of your lies
but still I miss you.
He takes her love
but it doesn't feel like mine

He tastes her kiss
her kisses are not wine
they're not mine.
He takes
but surely she can't give what I'm feeling now.
She takes
but surely she doesn't know how.

Is it a crime? Is it a crime that I still want you?
And I want you to want me

My love is wider
wider than Victoria Lake.
My love is taller
taller than the Empire State.
It dives and it jumps and it ripples like the deepest ocean.
I can't give you more than that
surely you want me back.

Is it a crime? Is it a crime that I still want you?
And I want you to want me

My love is wider than Victoria Lake

taller than the Empire State.
It dives and it jumps

I can't give you more than that
surely you want me back.

Is it a crime? Is it a crime that I still want you?
And I want you to want me

It dives
it jumps and it ripples like the deepest ocean.
I can't give you more than that
surely you want it back.
Tell me
is it a crime?

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