The Burning of Auchindoun - Muzika: Michael Richard Plowman, Vokal: Sophie Ramsay

The Burning of Auchindoun - Muzika: Michael Richard Plowman, Vokal: Sophie Ramsay

  • Pridružio: 20 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 4682

As I came in by Fiddichside on a May morning
I spied Willie MacIntosh an hour before the dawning
'Turn again, turn again, turn again I bid ye
If you burn Auchindoun, Huntly he will heid ye'

'Heid me, hang me, that shall never fear me
I'll burn Auchindoun ere the life leave me'

As I came in by Auchindoun on a May morning
Auchindoun was in a blaze an hour before the dawning
'Crawing, crawing, for all my crouse crawing
I've lost the best feather in my wing
For all my crouse crawing'

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