Thunderstone - Tool of the devil

Thunderstone - Tool of the devil

  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 3686
  • Gde živiš: The Circle

Citat:I'm a man without a heart , without a soul
I am here for you, if you'll play my role
Come closer if you dare, I will show you the way
I'm pleasure and pain, I'm the night of your day
Walk through the fire with me
Over the seas of our times, higher where all is sublime

I'll be here by your side forever
I will shadow your steps again and again
We'll be chained to this sin together
Through the joy and the pain

You try to stay on path
try to keep direction
But the voices in your head, whispering deception
You're standing in the middle, don't know what to do
I'll give you the answers, to get your through
Walk through the fire with me
Over the seas of our time, higher where all is sublime

I'll be here by your side forever
I will shadow your steps again and again
We'll be chained to this sin together
Through the joy and the pain
'Cos I am the Tool of the devil.

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