White Lion - Broken Heart

White Lion - Broken Heart

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 8134
  • Gde živiš: U kesici gumenih bombona...


Here I stand, all alone
Trying to fight the pain from a broken heart
Why she left me? I don't know
It really doesn't matter anymore
I thought our love could last forever
But here I stand lost and all alone

There is life even after a broken heart
You can fight
the pain from a broken heart, broken heart

Start a new day, but not alone
I'm gonna break away this broken heart
I'll meet a woman. I'm gonna take her home
Where I'll pick all (up?) the pieces and start all over again
I know that life will be much better
Cause' know the sun will shine again
You baby I know

Chorus x1
There is life even after a broken heart
You can fight
the pain from a broken heart, broken heart

(Guitar solo)

I know that life will be much better
Cause know the light will shine again
You baby I know... baby I know

There is life even after a broken heart

Chorus x2
There is life even after a broken heart
You can fight
the pain from a broken heart, broken heart

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