You don’t deserve me

You don’t deserve me

  • Pridružio: 13 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 163
  • Gde živiš: Gracanica

From the start you had all of my heart
I gave you all of my love
From the begin you had all my attention
You could have asked me to jump
And I would have asked you how high

I cared too much to see you cry
Your tears were like thorns in my heart
Your pain was my misery
Your happiness was heaven for me
Your smile lightened up my life

It was my mission
To put you in a position
Where you could enjoy my affection
But you don’t appreciate my attention
Now I find myself in this position
Where I have to ask for your permission
Because my heart knows no conditions
You needed to take some action
To bring our love to perfection

I wanted to hear you say you are leaving him
But I realized this is wishful thinking
But I kept on hoping
That one day will be mine
And everything will be fine

But you take my love for granted
You keep feeding my heart with your lies
And that is killing me
And I am slowly sinking
Deep down in my sorrow
I am drowning in my tears
As I face my fears of loosing you

My heart is breaking
Because your love is taken
I don’t know why you are pretending
It is clear you are playing
Because all you do is keep hurting me

Finally, I see the light
It is clear to me
I realize now
That you don’t deserve me
You don’t deserve my attention
You don’t deserve my affection
You don’t deserve my love
You don’t deserve my time
You don’t deserve my heart
You don’t deserve ME

je li zna neko tko ovu pjesmu pjeva ?I da li ima jos neka slicna ? Smile

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