joe strummer and the mescaleros - mondo bongo

joe strummer and the mescaleros - mondo bongo

  • Pridružio: 08 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 4179
  • Gde živiš: Bulevar Kraljeva

There's something there!
I was patrolling a Pachinko
Nude noodle model parlour,
In the Nefarious zone.
Hanging out with insects,
Under ducting.
The C.I.A was always on the phone...
Well...such is life!
Latino caribo, mondo bongo,
The flower looks good in your hair,
Latino caribo, mondo bongo,
Nobody said it was fair.
For the Zapatistas, I'll rob my sisters,
Of all the curtain and lace...
Down at the bauxite mine,
You get your own uniform,
Have lunchtimes off,
Take a monorail to your home...
Latino caribo, mondo bongo,
The flower looks good in your hair,
Checkmate baby!
God bless us and our home,
Where ever we roam,
Now take us home, flaquito!
Laton caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in you hair,
Latino caribo, mondo bongo,
Nobody said it was fair

Ostatak Mr and Mrs Smith Soundtracka

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