lacuna coil - haven's a lie

lacuna coil - haven's a lie

  • Pridružio: 24 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 46
  • Gde živiš: KG

Heaven's A Lie

Oh no,
here it is again
I need to know
when I will fall in decay

Something wrong
with every plan of my life
I didn't really notice that you've been here

Dolefully desired
Destiny of a lie

Set me free
your heaven's lie
set me free with you love
set me free

Oh no,
here it is again
I need to know
why did I choose to betray you

Something wrong
with all the plans of my life
I didn't realize that you've been here

Dolefully desired
Destiny of a lie

Set me free
your heaven's lie
set me free with you love
set me free

Set me free your heaven's lie
set me free with you love
set me free

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  • -
  • Sanjar
  • Pridružio: 09 Jul 2010
  • Poruke: 2484
  • Gde živiš: u prostoru između dva tona u dobrom riff-u

Burning here, in the room
Feeling that the walls are moving closer
Silent scene the dark takes me
Leads me to the ending of another day
I'm haunted

Tell me who you are. I am spellbound
You cannot have this control on me
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

Velvet drapes, glowing candles
Silent whispers of words inside of my head
The night that comes, it waits for me
Lift me to the ending of another day
I'm haunted

Tell me who you are. I am spellbound
You cannot have this control on me
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

Break the spell...

Tell me who you are. I am spellbound
You cannot have this control on me
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

Everywhere I go I am spellbound
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
Everywhere I go I am spellbound
I will break the spell you put on me

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