Agile Messenger is the most feature rich and versatile Instant Messenger for mobile phones on the market today. Agile Messenger is used daily by over 400,000 users and has been perfected based on feature requests and feedback from tens of thousands of users. No other mobile Instant Messenger is as mature and reliable as Agile Messenger.
Agile Messenger is available for virtually every networked hand held device that allows 3rd party software to be installed.
Supported platforms include:
* Symbian Series 60
* Symbian UIQ
* Microsoft Smartphone
* Microsoft Pocket PC
* Palm OS 3.5+
* J2ME
Agile Messenger Features:
* sending and receiving instant messages
* Push to Talk
* Unicode and BIG5 support for international characters
* split screen messaging interface
* separate tabs for each conversation
* conversation history
* smiley support
* automatic download and updating of the contact list
* contact status information and presence management
* adding, removing, renaming contacts
* data usage counter
* auto update downloader and installer
* picture messaging with camera support
* "Today" plug-in (PocketPC)
Instant Messaging services supported:
* MSN®
* AOL®
* Yahoo!®
* ICQ®
# QQ® and Wireless Village™ possible on request.
sta ce coveku vis na mobilnom !?
e sad malo objasnjenje:
na zvanicnom sajtu imate verziju 3.xx ali se ona placa... naravno mozete da koristite i tu TRIAL verziju od 7 dana a mozete i da skinete ove verzije programa koje cu sad da navedem (mislim da su tad bili free ti programi ako nije free vi kazite da prepravim post (ja trenutno nisam u mogucnosti da instaliram ovo na moj fon ali bi trebalo da mogu sutra... Tako da ako niko ne proba ovde do sutra od mene sutra dobijate odgovor)):
Agile Messenger for N6600
AGileMessenger for SYmbian S60 v1.2
Agile Messenger for SE p800
Agile Messenger for SE p900
Agile Messenger for Motorola a925
Agile Messenger For Siemens SX1
ako imate problema sa linkovima obavestite me!
Dopuna: 27 Dec 2005 4:22
[note] sad sam probao i program ne daje nikakva vremenska ogranicenja... Znaci linkvi koje sam dao su ispravni i daju vam full free verziju Agile Messengera (mada je malo starija verzija radi stabilno!)