Cisco kupuje Nokiu?


Cisco kupuje Nokiu?

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

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Cisco mulls acquiring Nokia, report says

By John Blau, IDG News Service, 08/08/05

Internet equipment maker Cisco is interested in acquiring Nokia, the world largest manufacturer of mobile phones, according to several media reports citing the Sunday Business newspaper.

A Nokia spokeswoman Monday declined to comment on the report, which cited unnamed sources.

Cisco spokesman David Cook, while also declining to comment, noted that buying a big company such as Nokia - which is valued at more than €70 billion ($87 billion) - would represent a major shift in the U.S. company's acquisition strategy.

"Of the 103 acquisitions we've made over the past 20 years, almost all of these have been small, technology-rich companies," Cook said. The San Jose manufacturer has a history of buying niche companies with specific engineering skills, such as home networking and security, he added.

Still, some analysts wouldn't be surprised if Cisco bought a wireless player.

"Cisco is always looking to expand its portfolio and wireless is a big growth area," said Mark Blowers, senior research analyst at the London office of the Butler Group, a consulting company.

Moreover, convergence of fixed and mobile networks has become a big topic in the telecommunications market and one that could prompt Cisco to seek wireless expertise, according to Blower. "Cisco has a strong fixed-network background, as Nokia does in mobile," he said. "Cisco could expand on its own into this market but wireless is a complex area. A partner would certainly help."

Nokia, which has seen its profit margins erode due to intense competition from manufacturers of low-cost handsets, is accelerating efforts to capture market share in large developing markets such as China and India.

Other analysts say the deal is unlikely.

"We view such a deal as inconsistent with Cisco's acquisition history and strategy going forward - preferring smaller, niche technology purchases with revenue growth rates above Cisco's current 10% to 15% level," states UBS Warburg Analyst Nikos Theodosopoulos in a bulletin on the rumor.

"We believe it would hinder Cisco's ability to achieve its 10% to15% revenue growth target."

UBS forecasts 8% year-over-year sales growth for Nokia in 2006, with 4% year-ver-year growth in wireless infrastructure.

UBS notes that a Cisco/Nokia deal has been specualted in the past.

"Cisco/Nokia talks have been speculated before but have only produced a small enterprise VoIP solutions partnership," Theodosopoulos states in his bulletin.

"Charlie Giancarlo, the new Chief Development Officer of Cisco, may prefer a bolder M&A strategy given his new role and the Linksys deal he led. Even so, we believe he would not push for a deal with Nokia."

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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No coment. Pravi primer globalizacije koje se protivim.

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Ziveo Cisco! Smile

  • Stane 
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Šta b'e živeo Cisco! Nokia me 'lebom 'rani :-)
Ja ovde još ništa nisam čuo ali to ništa ne mora da znači

  • pixxel  Male
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Kuuuuul, ja imam telefon cisco 6600 Smile Mozda mi nokijasi budemo imali popust na ccna kurseve Smile

  • SkY  Male
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To t' pricam... Wink

  • Puky  Male
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MMMM ... sve je moguce.
Samo da ne pocnu da se zovu Cisco Nokia ... blabal

  • pixxel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2005
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Puky ::MMMM ... sve je moguce.
Samo da ne pocnu da se zovu Cisco Nokia ... blabal

Sto, mislis da ne bude kao sony ericsson???? Ja sam jos '99 predvideo da ce 2020 biti firma koja ce se zvati NokSoMotEri communications i da ce imati vau telefone...

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2003
  • Poruke: 7953
  • Gde živiš: Graceland

Stane ::Šta b'e živeo Cisco! Nokia me 'lebom 'rani :-)

Mene Cisco hlebom hrani Very Happy

  • SkY  Male
  • Boondock Saint
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: Vozdovac (MyCity South Side)

I mene Cisco lebom 'rani... Laughing

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