Fantasy Worlds: Rhynn- MMORPG za mobilne

Fantasy Worlds: Rhynn- MMORPG za mobilne

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

ko ima para za GPRS... Samo nek' izvoli:
Fantasy Worlds: Rhynn is a real time Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) for mobile phones. After connecting to the Internet with the mobile phone, it is possible to interact with hundreds of players, controlled by other humans or AI.
The goal is to develop your virtual character by either solving quests, trading or fighting with other players.


* PvP fighting in realtime
* experience, attribute points levelling / character building
* dynamic world and graphics loading
* highscore list
* items: weapons short range / long range, shields, armour, healing, magic scrolls, ...
* unlimited number of different items, you get randomized items dependant on enemy level
* inventory and equipment
* trading system
* 4 different character classes to choose from
* 4 characters can be created and managed by one user account
* More than 20 different monster / AI character types
* chat (both, private and public)
* NPC dialogues
* quests of various kinds

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Korisnici trenutno na forumu: A.R.Chafee.Jr., Apok, bufanje, cenejac111, darkangel, Denaya, Dimitrije Paunovic, DonRumataEstorski, draganl, drimer, dzoni19, FileFinder, Georgius, Kozi-RS, Kubovac, madza, Marko Marković, MB120mm, mean_machine, mile33, milimoj, nenad81, nenaddz, novator, Panter, Parker, pein, repac, SD izvidjac, SlaKoj, Stoilkovic, Tas011, voja64, wolf431, zastavnik, zlaya011, zodiac94, šumar bk2