Poslao: 05 Feb 2011 23:23
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2010
- Poruke: 39
Pozdrav svima!
Je'l zna neko neji fajl u .jar ili .jad ekstenzijama koji radi kao editor teksta, ako moze takav da se moze unositi neograniceno tekst (dok se ne popuni memorija) i da moze da pretrazuje uneti tekst kao sto to moze na racunaru u notepadu ili wordu mislim na onu komandu menu-edit-find, pa kada ukucamo neku rec, ona se u masi recenica pronadje i pojavi ako postoji, pa mislila sam da li to moze i u telefonima?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 06 Feb 2011 13:37
- Fil
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
Za "klasicne" java telefone (koliko znam) postoji samo aplikacija DocView koja sluzi za pregledavanje *.doc dokumenata. Mislim da je jedan od ogranicenja i sama arhitektura jave za telefone (j2me).
Za bilo kakvo obradjivanje, mora se uzeti neki smartphone uredjaj. (recimo postoji paket SoftMaker Office na kojem mozes da uradis dosta toga kao na pravom PC-u)
Poslao: 06 Feb 2011 14:36
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12527
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
Napisano: 06 Feb 2011 14:16
Što se tiče neograničenog unosa teksta, to ćeš morati da probaš u praksi. A editori za J2ME (Java 2 Mobile Edition) postoje. Malopre sam u potrazi naišao na J2MEdit:
Citat:J2MEdit is a powerful and easy-to-use source code editor and syntax highlighter for Java J2ME mobile devices. J2MEdit allows you to create, edit, store, share, and compile source code in various programming languages including Java, C/C++, PHP, and HTML. Standard text documents can also be created allowing you to easily compose notes, lists, and word wrapped documents. J2MEdit gives you the option to store files either locally or over the internet and even share files with others.
Key Features:
Create source code files in Java, C/C++, PHP, and HTML
Store files locally or over the internet
Compile Java and C/C++ source code directly from your mobile device
Create notes, memos, and word wrapped documents
Editing features such as copy, paste, find/replace, undo, and more...
Send files to anyone via Email
Load files to your mobile from the internet
Assign any key on your device to do exactly what you want
Advanced data compression allows for small and fast data transfers
Collaborate with others with the option to share the same files with multiple users
Personalize your interface from fonts and text color to screen size and background color
and more...
J2MEdit is the ideal mobile tool for software programmers, writers, and students. It provides you with the flexibility to truly work from anywhere without the inconveniences of carrying around a clunky laptop. Whether you are a professional or a hobbyist with the need to take your documents with you, J2MEdit gives you the ability to get the job done quickly and easily. Visit the download section to try J2MEdit for FREE.
Deluje prilično impresivno, a ima i traženu find/replace opciju.
Dopuna: 06 Feb 2011 14:36
Upravo sam ga testirao na svom mobu. Krcat je opcijama i deluje impresivno za jedan J2ME editor. Mada, možda ćeš morati da podesiš tastere u Options -> Preferences -> Keymappings. Takođe postoji opcija (koju nisam probao) da downloaduješ raspored tastera za tvoj model mobilnog sa neta (direktno sa moba).
Poslao: 06 Feb 2011 19:29
- Fil
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
Odlicna aplikacija. Dobro si ovo iskopao, bocke. Nisam znao za nju. Ali compilira i source code!!! Impresivno!
Poslao: 06 Feb 2011 21:16
- SlobaBgd
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2005
- Poruke: 13526
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Ne može da otvara bilo koji fajl sa mobilnog, već samo samples i readme.txt koji dolaze u jar arhivi. Moguće je rekompresovati jar, ali mi je to malo previše cimanja. Dalje, šta sa tekstom/kodom koji napravim ovim programom?
- How do I compile files or transfer files to and from my phone?
You must have a membership account to use these features.
- How do I access files I created in J2MEdit from other applications on my phone?
J2MEdit uses its own proprietary file system which is NOT accessible apart from the application. To transfer J2MEdit files outside of the application, you must have a membership account.
- Could you give me the source code to J2MEdit, or show me how you did it?
- Is it possible to compile J2ME applications with J2MEdit?
Currently, only pure Java and C/C++ programs can be compiled with J2MEdit.
- Can compiled applications be executed on my mobile device?
Poslao: 12 Feb 2011 02:26
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12527
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
SlobaBgd ::Ne može da otvara bilo koji fajl sa mobilnog, već samo samples i readme.txt koji dolaze u jar arhivi. Moguće je rekompresovati jar, ali mi je to malo previše cimanja. Dalje, šta sa tekstom/kodom koji napravim ovim programom?
- How do I compile files or transfer files to and from my phone?
You must have a membership account to use these features.
- How do I access files I created in J2MEdit from other applications on my phone?
J2MEdit uses its own proprietary file system which is NOT accessible apart from the application. To transfer J2MEdit files outside of the application, you must have a membership account.
- Could you give me the source code to J2MEdit, or show me how you did it?
- Is it possible to compile J2ME applications with J2MEdit?
Currently, only pure Java and C/C++ programs can be compiled with J2MEdit.
- Can compiled applications be executed on my mobile device?
To nisam video. Hvala na dopuni. I meni je bilo sumnjivo da je besplatan. Ali nisam čitao sitna slova.
Poslao: 14 Feb 2011 00:07
- Vesna 3
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Feb 2011
- Poruke: 18
A jel neko zna neki dobar editor slike, takodje u .jar ili .jad ekstenzijama? Mislim, da ima lenjir (ruler), da crta ravne linije, krugove, da selektuje delove slike, pa da ih za rotira, pomera, kopira..., mislim kao na kompjuteru sto radi Power Point i Paint, Auto Cat,... a trebalo bih nesto da ima i za telefone tako? Ako ja naprimer hocu da nacrtam neku figuru iz fizike ili neki grafik, neku tehnicku skicu,... pa da posaljem? A ako nisam kod kuce.
Poslao: 25 Feb 2011 23:17
- Pridružio: 23 Jul 2010
- Poruke: 39
A kada hocu da iskompajliram source kod u j2me i kliknem compile, meni se trazi username i password, je'l tu treba prvo da se napravi neki nalog, ili sta treba da ukucam u ta polja?