Konfiguracija GPRS u Windows mobile 6.5

Konfiguracija GPRS u Windows mobile 6.5

  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2008
  • Poruke: 198
  • Gde živiš: Tu i tamo

Kako da konfigurisem GPRS i MMS u Windows mobile 6.5. Rec je o telefonu LG GM 750, mreza MTS 065.
(Nasao sam nacelna uputstva za starije verzije operativnog sistema, ali to u konkretnom slucaju ne funkcionise)

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Da li aktivirao uslugu GPRS i MMS za tu mrezu? I ja imam WinMo 6.5 i sve je konfigurisao automatski (prethodno sam aktivirao te usluge).

(btw ne vredi da zoves korisnicku sluzbu, imao sam iskutva da i ne znaju sta je HTC, a kamoli WinMo...)

  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2008
  • Poruke: 198
  • Gde živiš: Tu i tamo

Ne postoji mogucnost automatske konfiguracije, jer MTS nema podrsku za navedeni model telefona. Zato je potrebno da se parametri veze unesu rucno.

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Nisi odgovorio da li ti je GPRS / MMS aktiviran!

Konekcioni profili (Packet Data Access Points): MTS Mobilna Telefonija Srbije (064/065)

APN (Access Point Name): 3Gmondo
User Name: mts
Password: 064
Home page: http://wap.mts064.telekom.yu (http://wap.mts064.telekom.rs)
Proxy server address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080 (9201)

APN (Access Point Name): gprswap
User Name: mts
Password: 064
Home page: http://wap.mts064.telekom.yu (http://wap.mts064.telekom.rs)
Proxy server address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080 (9201)

APN (Access Point Name): gprsinternet
User Name: mts
Password: 064
Home page: None
Proxy server address: None
Proxy Port Number: 0 (None)

APN (Access Point Name): mms
User Name: mts
Password: 064
Home page: http://mms.mts064.telekom.yu/mms/wapenc (http://mms.mts064.telekom.rs/mms/wapenc)
Proxy server address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080 (9201)

MTS Streaming
APN (Access Point Name): 3Gmondo
User Name: mts
Password: 064
Home page: None
Proxy server address: None
Proxy Port Number: 0

Broj za aktivacioni SMS / Promenu lozinke: 770
SMS aktivaciona poruka: Mail lozinka (umesto reči lozinka upišite vašu lozinku)
User Name: Ime i Prezime
Email address / Reply to address: 064vašbrojtelefona@gm.telekom.yu (064vašbrojtelefona@gm.telekom.rs)
User ID: 064vašbrojtelefona
Password: lozinka koju ste poslali u aktivacionom SMS-u
POP3 Server: (x1.gm.telekom.yu) (x1.gm.telekom.rs)
POP3 Port: 110
SMTP Server: (x1.gm.telekom.yu) (x1.gm.telekom.rs)
SMTP Port: 25

Ostala podešavanja:
Wap Browser Profile: Odabrati konekcioni profil "MTS GPRS WAP"
3G Mondo Profile: Odabrati konekcioni profil "MTS 3G"
MMS Profile: Odabrati konekcioni profil "MTS MMS"
Internet Browser Profile / HTTP Profile / Java Profile / Email Profile: Odabrati konekcioni profil "MTS INTERNET"
Real Player Settings / Connection:
-Default access point: Odabrati "MTS Streaming"
-Lowest UDP port: 6970
-Highest UDP port: 32000
-Proxy: No proxy

Pošto je nacionalni domen ".yu" zamenjen sa ".rs" unete su u zagradama ispravke sa novim oznakama domena

  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2008
  • Poruke: 198
  • Gde živiš: Tu i tamo

GPRS/MMS su aktivirani.
Parametri veze poznati su mi sa sajta MTS-a.
Nepoznat mi je postupak unosa parametara u Windows mobile 6.5.
Dakle, Start - Setings - Connections - Connections... i...
Ne snalazim se, priznajem!

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Creating a GPRS connection
To create a GPRS connection, perform the following steps:1. Open the Main Menu and select Start.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Select the Connections tab.
4. From the Connections tab, select Connections.
5. From the first drop-down menu, select New.
6. From the My Connection screen, select the Modem tab.

NOTE: For ease of identification, rename My Connection to MTS Internet.7. Select New.
8. Type a name for the connection, such as MTS_Internet.
9. From the Modem drop-down menu, select Cellular Line (GPRS).
10. Set BAUD to the highest setting (115200). Tap NEXT.
11. At Access Point name, type the appropriate APN:

(parametre menjas i tap-nes na next next... ) Kod mene je mtel 065, pa ti moja podesavanja nisu merodavna...

Tap Finish.
13. Select the Proxy Server tab. Select This network connects to the Internet (ovo obavezno!!!) and This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet. Within the Proxy Server text box, type getmorespeed.t-mobile.com.
14. Tap Advanced. Within the Port text box, change 80 to 8080, and then tap OK.
15. Tap OK. From the When needed, automatically connect to the Internet using these settings drop-down menu, select T-Mobile Internet.
16. To finish, tap OK.

NOTE: To access the Internet, open Internet Explorer and go to the desired Web site.

PS ovo zadnje preskoci jer je IE shit. Bolje skini neki Skyfire, Netfront, ili Operu.

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