jeste disk koji ide uz karticu... ali mi nije jasno sta bi moglo da bude, s obzirom da je komp prepozna, probao sam i da reisstaliram sistem i opet isto djubre.
Inace model je Gericom USB 2.0 DVB-T Tuner, analog - digital
Code 10
If the device has a FailReasonString value in its hardware key, that string is displayed as the error message. The driver or enumerator puts this registry string value there. If there is no FailReasonString in the hardware key, you receive the following error message:
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
Recommended resolutions
Here are some things that you can try to resolve this problem.
Update the driver
In the device Properties dialog box, click the Driver tab, and then click Update Driver to start the Hardware Update Wizard. Follow the instructions to update the driver.
To je objasnjenje za "code 10"