Za TV i FM koristim program WinFast PVR i radio startujem bez problema,ali TV nece.Kada startujem TV izbacuje mi sledecu gresku:
WinFast PVR Application has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience.
To see what data this error reprt contains, CLICK HERE .
Kada kliknem izbaci mi sledece :
Error singature
AppName: wftv.exe AppVer: ModName: ole32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.2096 Offset: 0001665e
Reporting details:
This error report includes: Information regarding of WinFast PVR
Application when the problem occurred;the operating sistem version and computer hardware in use;your Digital Product ID,which could be used to identify your licence;and the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer.
We do not intentionally collect your files,name,address,email address or any other from of personally identifiable information.Hower,the error report could contain customer-specific information such as data from open files.While this information could potentially be used to determine your identifity,if present,it will not be used.
The data that we collect will only be used to fix the problem.If more information is avaible,we will tell you when you report the problem.This error report will be sent using a secure connection to a database with limited access and will not be used marketing purposes.
Sta trebam da uradim da bih resio ovaj problem? - - - Pokuzavao sam i na sledeci nacin: Izvadim TV karticu,zatim obrisem sve drajvere i promenim slot...Prvi put posle instaliranja drajvera TV startujem bez problema ali drugi put G R E S K A !!!!!!
Da li je jos neko cuo za ovakav problem ??? STA URADITI ????