Moje pesme...


Moje pesme...

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams


Do you wanna know what's inside?!
There are endless halls of pain.
I think there's almost no place for sorrow!
Take a look inside and you will see how I feel.
Please don't look deeper, you will see your reflection inside...

How can this be love when you lack belief?
You ruined it all; you left me here to bleed...
Nobody's perfect .
There were some things I said to you,
and now you're angry with me - I deserve it.

We made one step forward and two steps back,
and we were watching the world falling apart,
but we were still together after all the things we were true.
I can't imagine my life without you, lying here on my pillow.
And I can't find my meaning without you believing in us!

Love is blind, but since the day you
came into my life I stopped pretending,
my madness has came to an ending!
Soon I came to realize that my story can have a happy ending...

Now I’m a man who walks alone
living a half-life without you...
What are you doing now? Trying to push me away?
I felt so empty as I cried, like part of me had died!

I need to taste one more time your lips,
I want to see you again on your fingertips!
Come and bring me back to life again!
Take me out of this world of pain and sorrow!
I still live with a hope for a better tomorrow!

I need time to release me out of this pain,
to heal my wounds, take away this sorrow...
I don't know how much time would be needed for that,
I really don't know what will happen tomorrow...

I said: “give me your hand and I will show you the world",
but all you did were the limits you heard...
I will always be right here for you,
One fool you can count always as you told me to

Nobody’s Hero

I used to live but now I survive
I used to believe but now it's just one day at a time
Nothing is same any more without you by my side
‘Cause thinking about living this life without you makes me wanna die
I used to laugh but I've learned to cry
For I ain't too proud to let you see tears fall from these eyes
For all of my hopes, my heartaches and fears
For a day I just watched and you left out of here

I’m afraid and it feels like i’m too tired to fight
Even my heart don't know if i’m still alive
I never felt so all alone in this world tonight
And I don't know that you felt the same?
You've gotta know that I feel your pain
Don't be afraid
When you're on the edge, I will rescue you
When you need a friend, I'll be there for you

'Cause this time you know I ain't afraid to fight
For you I ain't afraid to die
As long as you are by my side it will be alright
When all faith is gone, I will pray for you
Just keep holding on, I'll be there for you

I didn't want to say it in this way
I didn't want to see the day I'd say these words to you
I didn't want have to explain
Sometimes we all have to lose
It's killing me to see you cry
Would it make it any better if I told you I did it all for you
Would you be okay if i say i will obey you?
Sooner or later we all sleep alone
Just don’t let your heart turn into a stone

If every moment is a memory
A faded photograph of days gone by
Can I take a little piece of you with me
For when I leave this all behind
I'm getting tired so I close my eyes
I need to look at you juste one more time
And though it's over, it's never over
Until I see you again

NAPISAO SAM OVO U NOCI IZMEDjU 31.12.2004 i 1.1.2005

Magician’s Tale

How can you tell when heaven became hell?
When did it all begin to smell? Tell me, how can you tell?
When did all the good things became so bad,
All the moments we shared together became to fade
All we did together got out of our memory?
How can u tell?

I believe every single thing that you said was true,
And thus I will always love you.
There is no such thing as sweet lies,
It’s like living as a shaded sight

Your breath hot upon my cheek,
As we crossed the line
You made me strong when I was feeling weak,
And we crossed it, we crossed it as one

I wake up when you kiss me in the middle of the night
You thought I had a bad dream,
But it was just your touch.
I knew then there was something wrong
I saw it in your eyes, when you were standing strong
Since then God only knows what you been through
But believe me I have been broken too

When our love began to crumble,
I felt like we rushed
It seemed we were running somewhere
You would not know,
You do not care…

So little time, so much pain.
One thing that still remains
It's the way you cared
It’s the love we shared
And through it all
You’ve always been there
You’ve always been my best friend.
But without you near, I can feel the magic disappear…

All i have now are our crushed plans and the lies
I'm standing here with nothing left to show
Since the day you left me I have been so alone

Broken Promises

I’m looking at myself trough your eyes
and I see picture of a sad and desperate man.
Left to feed with his pain, left to bleed and die.
I don’t see the solution, no matter how hard I try.
I’m afraid that I will never regain your trust;
I can feel your heart is cold and rust.

There were too many sleepless nights without you
This will be the last one I hope that will do
You’re so near and yet so far…lying here next to me
Many things happened that shouldn’t be

Where are all those good times gone,
when I could make you laugh in a second?
All those moments of joy and happiness will be lost in time
And kept only in our memories…

Once you touch the bottom you don’t feel anything any more.
Then you become a machine…
you have no feelings and can’t feel the pain!
If you could only see inside my core…
Words cannot express what i feel,
You got to see it to believe…

I felt so rejected, as you told me you don’t love me
You threw me out from your head and from your bed
You ripped all that was left of our love
And let the hatred come into our lives.
Where once truth was, now there are lies.

Thank you for the perfect love you gave me
I’m sorry for all the bad things I have done and I will do…
I’m just a numb guy who loves you
Father time, only you can turn the page
And close the curtain on this empty stage
Only you can take my pain away


I feel like dying...
I keep trying to go on, but my heart is broken
And my mind my mind is weakened...
I’m standing here on the bridge of fate...
Trying to find another feeling rather than anger and hate.

I sve su posvecene jednoj devojci.....i sve je to ulzalud sada.....jer ona me vise ne voli.....“u ljubavi niko nikoga ne moze da povredi, (niko nikoga ni ne poseduje)”…, but since i’m the only one of two of us who’s in love, i’am the only who’s lonely!

Pisano od 18.11.2004 - 16.1.2005

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Peca  Male
  • Glavni Administrator
  • Predrag Damnjanović
  • SysAdmin i programer
  • Pridružio: 17 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 23211
  • Gde živiš: Niš

tako ti je to...
vise od polovine svih poetskih peasama je posveceno "devojci koja te vise ne voli"
zato je poezija i tuzna uglavnom...

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Peca ::tako ti je to...
vise od polovine svih poetskih peasama je posveceno "devojci koja te vise ne voli"
zato je poezija i tuzna uglavnom...

To ti je nju SVE, od nje NISTA, ama bas nista...
Boli me i stalno mi se vraca....mislim da sam bio samo sporedan glumac u njenom zivotu...i sve mi je jasnije koja je njegova uloga bila....avantura...
Sve su odvratne, sebicne...odvratno slicne...pokvarene i misle samo na sebe....zacudi ih kada je neko objektivan, kada se neko veze za njih...uzivaju u tome i uzivaju da su voljene....ali one u stvari sve JAKO tesko vole i zele samo da se provode i da im bude lepo....njaradije bi bile jedne noci sa jednim a sledece sa drugim...trazile bi "novo meso" na svakoj novoj zurci, koncertu.... ne zelim vise ni za jednu da cujem....dodje mi da se kastriram i nastavim tako da zivim....
Na kraju osatajemo sami i nema niceg osim pustosi vecnosti...

Pretender ::
Sooner or later, we all sleep alone...

  • CHE 
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2004
  • Poruke: 443
  • Gde živiš: tu i tamo...

Iiiiiii, alal vera kastrato, bolji ti je ovaj komentar od pesama, salim se, naravno, nisam stigo, citacu ih offline Smile

  • Goran 
  • Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 9977
  • Gde živiš: Singidunum

UH suviše pesimističi osvrt na ljubav i žene generalno, nisu sve takve ima i gorih. Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

GoranK ::UH suviše pesimističi osvrt na ljubav i žene generalno, nisu sve takve ima i gorih. Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy

Bukve, sve su trule i bezosecajne....samo im je stalo da se izive i provedu....i da jasu na necemu jako krutom (po mogucstvu)....ama moze i sex sa namestajem.... Laughing Laughing Laughing
Dobro, sorry.....znam da je malo neumesno...ali citav ovaj sugavi zivot se svodi na to da su one zeljne moci (para), paznje (da se oko njih vrti citav svet) i sexa...

LjUBAV? Tako nesto vise ne postoji...

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 463
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

@ Pretender
cik pa reci da stvarno mislis to sto si napisao? ako da.....ja nemam sta da ti kazem kao fan i asistent - ako ne - odmah! se izvini 4% nas koji mozemo da prodjemo!
pu- kakav pesimizam!

wake up! sve sto radimo naucile smo od nekoga ....- VAS!
necu da se prepirem - ali ono sto ti osecas nije jedinstveno! zato...nemoj da si grub! i nemoj da si pich........ 'andjeo'

a ljubav......postoji - samo je pitanje prihvatanje oblika istog....
a depresija - imas jace misice od toga ///.....come on! ...vazis za vise!
a izvinjenje.....ubaci x10 posto treba tolika doza
pozdrav ;-)

  • CHE 
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2004
  • Poruke: 443
  • Gde živiš: tu i tamo...

Ne diraj coveka, treba zato m...(hrabrosti) Za to kastriranje, mislim...
Sta ima da se izvinjava, pa eto sama si priznala: "To sto radimo..."

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 463
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

ne Che....on ce ukapirati pozitivnu stranu moje poruke :-)
a izvinjenje je sam pokrenuo.....znaci da zna sta je sta.....ja samo dodajem na intenzitetu :-)
pozdrav i tebi ;-)

  • CHE 
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2004
  • Poruke: 443
  • Gde živiš: tu i tamo...

Ma znam, bre, salim se... Smile Nego mi bilo zanimljivo to za kastriranje, pa ocu coveku da kazem da preteruje Smile Smile Smile

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