"Istrazivaci sa sangajskog Djiao Tong univerziteta i Univerziteta Nevade u Las Vegasu su izracunali da je kompresovani lonsdaleit (takodje zvan i sestougaoni dijamant) 58% tvrdji od dijamanta. Inace, lonsdaleit je izmedju 7 i 8 na Mosovoj skali tvrdoce (dijamant je 10), ali sabijanje materijala izaziva trasformaciju njegove strukture u mnogo tvrdji materijal."
"Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas have calculated that compressed lonsdaleite (also called a hexagonal diamond) is 58% harder than a diamond. Traditionally, lonsdaleite has been rated between 7 and 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness (the diamond is a 10), but compressing the material causes a transformation of its structure into a much harder material."