Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 09:45
- purple
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
- Poruke: 1516
- Gde živiš: # :(){ :|:& };:
ok,a shta se nalazi ispod haube tachnije..?
Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 10:26
- meka
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Avg 2003
- Poruke: 811
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad / Vojvodina
Na sajt pa pročitati ChangeLog, ako ništa drugo.
Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 13:45
- purple
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Apr 2005
- Poruke: 1516
- Gde živiš: # :(){ :|:& };:
ne zanima me bash toliko da bih palio browser zbog takog necheg kao ReactOS..
da ste pomenuli OSX za PC pa da klikcem,ovako..
Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 14:41
- Strog
- Stručni saradnik
Web programiranje
- Bojan Kopanja
- Web & Mobile developer @ ZeusSoftware
- Pridružio: 26 Jul 2003
- Poruke: 2597
- Gde živiš: Stara Pazova
Pa ako te ne zanima zasto onda pitas ?!
Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 14:54
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12533
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
purple ::ne zanima me bash toliko da bih palio browser zbog takog necheg kao ReactOS..
da ste pomenuli OSX za PC pa da klikcem,ovako..
Pa što si onda palio browser i kliktao.
@oni koje interesuje: jel završiše oni auditing?
Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 15:42
- bobby
- Administrator
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
- Poruke: 24135
- Gde živiš: Wien
Na 90% su sa auditingom.
Isprobao sam ovaj RC1 i ima par zezancija koje ne rade, recimo, ukucas adresu u browser i stisnes enter - dotle je OK. Kada hoces da otvoris drugu adresu - browser ne reaguje, moras da ga ugasis i ponovo upalis da bi otvorio drugu adresu. Pokusao sam da instaliram FFox, klikom na link koji se nalazi u meniju - instalacija je zablokirala pred kraj uz poruku da nemam prava da pristupim nekom language fajlu.
Hteo sam da se iz ibrowsera ulogujem na MC, pa da odatle napisem ovu temu - nije uopste detektovao polje za unos imena i passworda, ni klik misem, ni tab nije mogao da me ubaci na polje za unos imena i lozinke.
Poslao: 19 Jun 2006 18:58
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12533
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
Thnx na infou. Nisam još imao prilike da probam. Na njihovim screenshtovima ff navodno radi. Probaj Operu. Ona je radila kod mene na 0.2.9.
Poslao: 15 Avg 2006 10:31
- akrep
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 19 Apr 2005
- Poruke: 64
- Gde živiš: C:>
Da ne otvaram novu temu -
Juče je izašao ReactOS 0.3.0 RC2.
Poslao: 09 Sep 2006 21:37
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12533
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
Citat:ReactOS 0.3.0 Released!
This release holds a few records - it is the most long-awaited release of ReactOS, it is the release which was preceded by 3 Release Candidates instead of usual 2, and at last ReactOS release never had so much changes since the last one.
This release's main feature is the networking ability - it's the first release where it is possible to download and install FireFox and browse the web, get mIRC (or some other irc client) and get to #reactos to chat a bit with developers. Or install command-line Samba-TNG client via the built-in package manager and use it to share files with Windows, Linux and MacOS X (all of them support SMB protocol)
But there are a bunch of changes beneath the "networking" feature: The kernel, drivers, applications, control panel applets, Win32 subsystem, boot loader, etc, etc was changed, improved, bugfixed and hackremoved. For the detailed overview it's advised to read the Changelog.
The compatibility with applications and drivers is also improved. In order to keep track of progress, the reactos.org website now features a ReactOS Compatibility Database. It allows to quickly look up the driver's version or some software which has been tested on various ReactOS releases and see how good it performs.
Thanks a lot to our core developers who are doing a fantastic job and to those people who submit patches for various small and big things - it really helps a lot, even if it is a formatting change!
Aleksey Bragin,
ReactOS Project Coordinator