Pa ne znam da li ce ti pomoci ovo sto cu ja napisati, ali evo.
Ja nisam imala nikakve preporuke od svojih bivsih poslodavaca, na moju srecu ili zalost (al' eto - tako je kako je). Trenutna pozicija mi je takva da dobijem poneku pisanu preporuku kad zaposljavam radnike, ali na zalost ovdje je vise zastupljeno kontaktiranje telefonom ili e-mailom. Tako da i kada je dobijem, moram da zovem da verifikujem informacije sa papira.
Moja firma cak ima striktna pravila sto se toga tice, ne mozemo da dajemo nikakve preporuke za bivse radnike. Znaci ako neko zove, mozemo samo da potvrdimo da li je osoba radila kod nas ili ne, duzina zaposljenja i tako te neke stvari. Mislim da je vazno da se napise da li bi osoba bila considered for re-hire. Jer to kao mnogo znaci (bar ovdje) da bi te neko primio nazad u firmu. Samim tim je mnogo receno u tako jednostavnoj recenici.
Najjednostavniji primjer:
Letter of Recommendation ::
[Writer's Name or Company Letterhead]
[Street • City • State • Zip Code]
[Phone # • Fax phone # • Messages phone # • Email]
[Date today]
[Recipient's address block - optional]
Dear [Recipient's name] or To Whom it May Concern:
[First and foremost, if you don't feel comfortable writing a letter of recommendation, don't. A vague or fabricated letter of recommendation might do more harm than good. Start by identifying your relationship with the person for whom you're writing the letter. Are you the person's manager, co-worker or professor? How long have you known or worked with the person?]
[Picture the person in his or her job role. Point out a variety of positive traits while focusing on work ethics, accomplishments, skills, and significant contributions (use specific examples). If you draw a blank, ask the person to refresh your memory. If you have access to the person's merit reviews, refer to them for hints. If for business reasons you're sorry to see this person go, say so. Avoid vague, powerless words such as nice, good, fine and reasonable. Use words such as excellent, superior, instrumental, creative, innovative, efficient, dependable, articulate, meticulous, self-starter and confident.]
[Wrap it up with a recommendation to hire. Close by offering to provide more information. Include your contact information if it's not in the letterhead.]
[Sign here]
[Your name]
[Your title]
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