gde je ovde greshka ljudi ???
pocheo sam da pravim sajt , i to me buni , folder 'Kola' ne prikazuje link !!!
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
function ListAvatars($folder,$type)
echo '<table align="center">';
$rownum = 0;
if ($handle = opendir($folder))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file != '.' and $file != '..' and $file != 'Thumbs.db' and $file != 'folder.jpg')
if ($type == "pictures")//SLIKE===========================================================
if ($rownum < 10 or $rownum == 999)
if ($rownum == 999)
echo '</tr>';
$rownum = 0;
echo '<td><table align="center"><td class="CellVisible"><img src="'.$folder.'/'.$file.'" class="Avatars"></td></table></td>';
if ($rownum == 10)
$rownum = 998;
echo '<tr>';
$rownum ++;
if ($type == "folders")//FOLDERI===========================================================
if ($rownum < 10 or $rownum == 999)
if ($rownum == 999)
echo '</tr>';
$rownum = 0;
echo '<td><a href="?type=pictures&folder='.$folder.'/'.$file.'"><table align="center"><tr><td class="CellVisible"><img src="'.$folder.'/folder.jpg"></td></tr><tr><td>'.$file.'</td></tr></table></a></td>';
if ($rownum == 10)
$rownum = 998;
echo '<tr>';
$rownum ++;
echo '</table>';