The Icy World - Poledica

The Icy World - Poledica

  • Pridružio: 28 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 228
  • Gde živiš: Pancevo - Novi Sad

The icy world
Russian title: Gololed

Mother Earth is all covered with ice -
all year long it is covered with ice.
There's no spring, it appears, nor summer -
White as snow is the planet's garment -
now and then someone falls on the ice.

Mother Earth is all covered with ice,
all year long it is covered with ice.
Everything is covered with ice,
all year long it is covered with ice.

You may fly all around the Globe
and may not even touch the ground,-
anyway you are sure to drop
an a slippery plain or slope...
To be crushed underfoot you are bound!

Mother Earth is all covered with ice,
all year long it is covered with ice.
Everything is covered with ice,
all year long it is covered with ice.

There is nothing but ice, like glass,
but it isn't a rink for skating.
Perhaps a beast will quietly pass...
All is iced ! A two-legged one has
to land on all fours - no escaping.

Mother Earth is all covered with ice,
all year long it is covered with ice.
Everything is covered with ice,
all year long it is covered with ice.


Zemlju uvio ledeni pled-
Cele godine poledica, led;
Ko da proleca nema ni leta-
Pokrov mrtvacki obukla planeta,
Ljudi vratove lome o led.

Celom zemljom poledica, led
Cele godine poledica, led.
Poledica, poledica, led-
Cele godine ledeni pled.

Makar pravili oko zemlje let,
Ne dodirujuc nogama planetu-
Svaki drugi ce na ocigled
Udarit o ledinu-a tamo je led!
Tu ga cizmama zgaze i smetu...

Celom zemljom poledica, led
Cele godine poledica, led
Poledica, poledica, led-
Cele godine ledeni pled.

Svuda led, k'o ogledalo led-
Nema decijih klizalista tuda;
Mozda ce zver da izdrzi gred...
Led, led! Dvonogi ustaje bled-
Ali hoda na cetiri uda.

Celom zemljom poledica, led
Cele godine poledica, led.
Poledica, poledica, led-
Cele godine ledeni pled.

(prepevao M.Bacovic)

Vladimir Semjonovic Visocki

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