Farewell to 8th grade
Do you remember the manner in which we have crossed paths, come to know one another, and how we became close? So close that none could break us apart or steal away our secrets and desires. Do you remember all of that?
We were children, estranged and distant to one another. We yearned for the classes to come to an end, so we could evade our obligations. Time slipped by. Each new school day came to be new joy, or a new opportunity to come across all well known faces, or simply to return someone’s smile. We shared the good and the bad. Together we endured all the critics and injustices more easily, together we were stronger!
And know we stand on the crossroads of countless paths, and wonder which way to go. Within me the same question keeps emerging. What will happen if I choose the wrong path, the impasse of my life? Will there be time for me to go back and return to the crossroads? I keep convincing myself that I’ll not think of it any more.
The time has come to bid “farewell” to one another and start treading on our chosen path. Will we meet each other again? Will we stand together on this very place once again, and will we recognise each other? Who knows?
Little by little we are growing up. Each of us is ascending our own path of imagination, desires and hopes, trough the river of life littered with obstacles. In the end all but one thing remains – an oath, never to forget the past that shall accompany us to the rest of our lives!
Never falter, just keep treading because life is full of surprises.