Pomoć, proverite greške u mom prevodu na engleski

Pomoć, proverite greške u mom prevodu na engleski

  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 0

Zdravo, trebam pomoč, sutra trebam predat rad za engleski jezik od kojeg mi zavisi zaključna ocjena i
prosjek, pa molim vas da mi pomognete ispravit gramatičke greške u ovom tekstu

The world that I see now and I want to change the world that are in exact comparison of heaven and earth, because they come from such a time that it became a sad and sorrowful live in this world.
Every day I see more and more the sad faces of the people who walk in the city, who have problems and have a probelms thay can't solved himself. Usually in all these problems boil down to the question of finance, because in a time of recession we are now living in what they are all faced with the issue.
This is what they want to shoot stele at every step, you better recognize neg illiterate people literate, nobody nobody not respected, for everyone what it wants, so long my dear...

We're going to ruin a real one doesn't want to change all just silent and waited for something to happen and only nothing can happen ....

We have to fight for the world, for our country, if we want to change if we want to live.
The world that we all want, a world in which there will be dominant this globalization that has brought all evil.
We want to do more stops to begin to live a normal life under normal conditions for life in the normal state.
Do we fight for life but for the lives that would make any difference, and that someone will postovati.Da when we fight for something to do ostavarimo that it is not impossible targets as it is now.
We want a world in which people will not look at the color, race, religion, nationality, appearance.We need to accept all people as they are, not only to watch what and who defame and hate them

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  • Art-O-Holic
  • Pridružio: 22 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 5

Mnogo greski... Recenica vam je nejasna. To je posledica bukvalnog prevoda. Da bi vam neko pomogao da ispravite greske, morate pojasniti sta ste uopste hteli da kazete.

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