Prevod za tehnicku podrsku

Prevod za tehnicku podrsku

  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 4204
  • Gde živiš: U zlatnom kavezu

Imam problema sa AV-om, posto pisem online tech supportu nisam siguran gde ce reklamacija zavrsiti pa mi je potrebna engleska verzija ovoga:

Citat:Pocetkom ove godine uredno sam obnovio licencu, instalirao KIS 2013. Posle par meseci prilikom vrsenja update dobijao sam gresku "Azuriranje nije uspelo, provera crne liste kljuceva. Nekoliko puta sam reinstalirao 2013, ali se problem ponavljao te sam ucinio downgrade na 2012. Nakon par mesci rada danas se prilikom update-a javila greska 85dc0034 i update je opet nemoguc. Reinstalacije kaspersky proizvoda obavljene su po instrukcijama proizvodjaca tako da s" te strane nema anomalija. Samo mi nemojte poslati odgovor "reinstalirajte aplikaciju", jer taj odgovor ne prhvatam zbog: 1. Cinjenice da sam to vec radio 2. Cinjenice da mi takav savet moze dati i prvi komsija. Vi ste ipak TEHNICKA PODRSKA ZA KASPERSKY PROIZVODE i ja kao vasa musterija od vas ocekujem da se ozbiljnije pozabavite mojim problemom. Ako je potrebno prevedite ovu moju poruku na engleski\ruski i prosledite je sedistu Kaspersky lab-a ili proverite tehnicku isprvnost moje licence, mozda je doslo do greske u generisanju pa je moja licnca slicna nekoj sa crne liste.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 29

At the beginning of the year, I orderly renewed the licence, installed KIS 2013. After few months, during updating I was receiving the error ''Updating was unsuccessful, checking of the black list of the keys. I reinstalled 2013 few times, but problem was happening again and again so I downgraded version to 2012. After few months of it's successful work, today, durning update there was error 85dc0034 and the update is impossible again. Reinstalising of kaspersky products are published by producer's instructions so there isn't anything strange on that side. Do me a favor: Don't send me answer ''Reinstall aplication'' because I do not accept that answer because: 1st - A fact that I already tried to do that. And the 2nd reason - A fact that I can recieve that advice by my neighbor who works like a janitor! At last, you are TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR KASPERSKY PRODUCTS, and I, as your customer expect you to spend some more attention on my problem. If necessary, check my licence validity, maybe there's the error and my licence is changed with some licence from the black list.

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