

  • Pridružio: 12 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 10910

Taylor Swift ::"I wrote "Enchanted" about a guy who I was enchanted to meet, obviously.
He was somebody that I had talked to a couple of times on email, and
then I was in New York and went to meet him. <br />I remember just the
whole way home thinking, "I hope he's not in love with somebody." It was
just wonderful, that feeling. Like, "Oh my gosh. Who's he with? Does he
like me? Does he like somebody else? What does it mean?" I got home and
he had emailed me and said something like, "Sorry I was so quiet. I was
just wonderstruck meeting you." And so I incorporated the word
wonderstruck, into the song as a, "Hey this one's sorta for you."" -


Response to Taylor Swit ::

simpatično, zar ne?

izvor: http://pop-rock-magazin.blogspot.com/2012/01/enchanted-to-met-you.html

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