PHP Developer

PHP Developer

  • Pridružio: 23 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 2

Representative office of foreign company kraftwerk International d.o.o is located in Obrenovićeva 12-20,P.C Gorča office 312a, Niš.

We are looking for PHP developer with experience of at least two years.

The necessary knowledge of PHP programmer:

/ Java Script / HTML / MySql / CSS / PostgreSql / WordPres / Typo3 /

The necessary features PHP programmer:

- Responsibility in bussines
- Good communication
- Ability to learn and improvement

Employees we offer:

- Quality working conditions
- Work environment in a positive team with
extensive experience
- Maximum support in the work
- Regular income
- Permanent employment

Working time:

- From 9 am to 6 pm
- From Monday to Friday

Please, send your CV on english to e-mail :

kraftwerk International d.o.o

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