Google Science Fair - Poziv za mlade ljude

Google Science Fair - Poziv za mlade ljude

  • mcrule  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Michael
  • Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
  • Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 16934
  • Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W

Citat:Calling all young science enthusiasts: Enter the 2012 Google Science Fair.

Everyone has a question. What's yours?

1) How can we turn garbage into energy?

2) Why do cats purr?

3) Is it better to boil or bake?

4) Can robots change their mind?

5) Why do some things bounce?

6) Why do spinning balls curve?


Citat:Curiosity comes in all forms - just ask science-lover,, who’s hanging out with our 2011 Google Science Fair finalists this Thursday at 2:30 PM PST on his Google+ page. Want to hang-out with Will and ask him anything you ever wanted to know about the intersection of science and hip-hop? Post your questions to Will’s Google+ page with #googleiamwill and you may just get your questions answered. Hope to see you Thursday!

About the Google Science Fair

The Google Science Fair is an online science competition seeking curious minds from the four corners of the globe. Anybody and everybody between 13 and 18 can enter. All you need is an idea.

How do I get started?

Citat:All entries must be submitted by 1 April 2012. Get up and running by registering today.

Get tips for your project


Life-changing prizes

A world-class science fair calls for world-class prizes. They include once-in-a-lifetime experiences like a scientific trip to the Galapagos Islands with National Geographic Explorer, unique scholarships and real-life work opportunities in iconic science centers of excellence like CERN in Switzerland.

New Science in Action prize

There’s also a special Science in Action prize, sponsored by Scientific American.

This is a special judges’ award for projects that champion scientific projects that make a practical difference in the lives of a group or community.


The Google Science Fair judging panel is an international team of scientific experts from a wide range of fields – from biology, physics and chemistry to computer science.

Source: Arrow

Young Nerds around the world, gather up, unite as one. Mr. Green Razz

Pa ko misli da je pametan, i spreman za ovako nesto, nek se prijavi. Ziveli

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 14018
  • Gde živiš: Nish

Sto li te mrzi da prevedes tih par recenica. Ovo je srpski forum, ne engleski koliko ja znam.

U prevodu, sta je ovo? Poziv za sta?

Nisam ni citao kad sam video da je na engleskom (ne zato sto ga ne znam, nego iz principa Razz).

  • mcrule  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Michael
  • Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
  • Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 16934
  • Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W

Dear lord... Do I have to do everything around here... Bebee Dol
Mr. Green Razz

Za ovo ne treba Bog zna kolko znanje engleskog, svako ko ioale zna i malo engleskog razumece.
*Ebes princip.

Imas i video klip, a danas retko ko ne zna sta je "Science Fair"...

I jeste, mrzi me, budi srecan sto sam uopste i oko toga se potrudio i otvorio temu, a ti bi sad i extra jagodu na tortu e jbg. druze. Imam i ja svoj zivot. Mr. Green Razz

Ajd prevescu kad budem imao vremena... samo za tebe. :-)

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 14018
  • Gde živiš: Nish

Napisano: 08 Mar 2012 4:15

Imam vise godina nego sto treba, nauke me i ne interesuju bas, tj. nemam nekih konkretnih ideja Razz ... tako da, prevodices zbog drugih - ne zbog mene.

Dopuna: 08 Mar 2012 4:17

mcrule ::Za ovo ne treba Bog zna kolko znanje engleskog, svako ko ioale zna i malo engleskog razumece.

Ma zaintrigiraj ti moju volju (volju citaoca) makar sa par uvodnih recenica (na srpskom naravno) da nastavim da citam - posle citiraj, kopiraj, ostavljaj link-ove, klipove. Ako je nesto sto me zanima, citacu pa makar bilo i na kineskom. Twisted Evil

  • mcrule  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Michael
  • Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
  • Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 16934
  • Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W

Napisano: 08 Mar 2012 5:43

goran9888 ::.... prevodices zbog drugih - ne zbog mene.

Ne vrti se svet samo oko nas dvoje. Mr. Green Razz

goran9888 ::Ma zaintrigiraj ti moju volju (volju citaoca) makar sa par uvodnih recenica (na srpskom naravno) da nastavim da citam - posle citiraj, kopiraj, ostavljaj link-ove, klipove. Ako je nesto sto me zanima, citacu pa makar bilo i na kineskom. Twisted Evil

Ovo si u pravu. Ziveli

Mogu da Editujem moj prvi post, i ubacim text na srpskom na pocetku.

Dopuna: 01 Feb 2013 8:15

Evo i ove godine opet... smešak


Dopuna: 29 Avg 2013 9:21


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