Blizzard je od peča 1.0.3 dodao nove restrikcije igračima koji su digitalno preuzeli igru a one glase :
- Poglavlje prvo "Act I" će biti dostupno samo do Skeleton King-a
- Level 13 cap (tj. zaključavanje dizanja nivoa dalje od nivoa 13)
- Matchmaking mogućnost je samo moguća sa ostalim starter edition igračima
- Neka aukcije ni sa pravim novcem ni sa valutom u igri
- Global Play nije moguć, korisnici koji se loguju iz zemlje koja nije na njihovom Bnet nalogu neće moći da igraju.
Ovo će trajati 72h ili manje od kupovine Digitalne kopije.
Zvanično saopštenje :
Support Forum Agent
As of patch 1.0.3, when purchasing a digital version of Diablo III through the online store or your Account, players are restricted to the Starter Edition for the first 72 hours (sometimes less). Players on Starter Editions have the following restrictions:
Act I up to the Skeleton King is available
Level 13 cap
Matchmaking available only with other Starter Edition players
No Auction House access (Real Money or Gold)
Global Play is not available. Players attempting to connect to Diablo III Starter Edition in a region other than their Account's home region will receive Error 12. See the Global Play support article for more information.
More information regarding the Starter Edition is available here:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
If you are still encountering the Starter Edition restrictions over 72 hours past the date of purchase, please let Customer Service know: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Čemu ova glupost nije mi jasno ?