PC gamers have been waiting patiently for almost two years for BioWare's Asian-themed role-playing game to make it to their platform of choice. And in many ways, it was worth the delay for anyone who hasn't already played the Xbox version. Jade Empire: Special Edition features a terrific story that, like most great tales, is as engaging now as it was when it was first told. It's set in a marvelous mythological land of monstrous demons and martial arts that's inhabited by hysterical and heartbreaking characters, each with his or her own fascinating story. If you cherish strong narratives in games and have appreciated the developer's previous efforts, this one won't disappoint you.
Izvor: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/jadeempire/review.html
( takođe imaju i slike tamo )
Demo nažalost nisam našao.
Da li je neko možda već igrao, ja sam je nabavio danas i mogu vam reći nije loše. Upravlja se iz trećeg lica sa tastaturom i mišem ( veoma dobro odrađeno ). Ima dosta elemenata iz RPG igara ( dizanje nivoa, različiti skillovi, questovi itd. ) ali je borba urađena kao akcija. I iako na početku izgleda da je bezveze kasnije ćete videti da je mnogo komplikovanije nego što izgleda. Grafika je takođe na nivou, iako je u pitanju port sa Xbox-a.