Eminemov odgovor na pitanja o MJ

Eminemov odgovor na pitanja o MJ

  • Vlada 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 07 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 1544
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Na njegovom najnovijem albumu nalaze se skitovi pod imenom "PAUL" i "EM CALLS PAUL"

U prvom se govori kao o tome da izvesni Paul zove Em-a i govori mu kako je MJ (Michael Jackson) ekstremno uznemiren zbog Just Lose It spota, a u "Em Calls Paul" Eminem uzvraca poziv recima

Aye yo Paul, It's Em
I got your call about the Michael Jackson thing
And I know that he's not 'thrilled' about the video
What does he 'wanna be startin' somethin'?'
Well I'll show him who's really 'bad'
Paul, 'the way you make me feel' with these calls
You should really take a look at the 'man in the mirror'
And tell him to 'beat it' because I 'won't stop till I get enough'
Do you 'remember the time' we were watching the 'Billy Jean' video?
Well he'll always be that Michael to me
And it doesn't matter if he's 'black or white'
Because I 'can't stop loving him' and I hate plastic surgeons
And I hope they all fucking die!
How do you like that?
And I like him, I like him a lot
I want to touch him but I can't
Excuse me, I'm taking a shit
Anyways, call me back
I have this idea about how I want to end the show
So, hit me when you get this message fucker
Oh, and by the way
No I don't have a new gun [click] (goddamn it)

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